Dark White..? (S1)

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Warning: This is awful but my mind wouldn't let me focus on anything until I did this.

Michael and Ritchie had been sitting by the fire place when Bri walked in pulling Austin along with her.

"Hey guys, question. What colour at Austin's pants." She asked arms crossed.

"What?" Ritchie asked. He glanced at Michael who shrugged, just as confused. "Is that a trick question or..?"

"No tricks. Just answer the question."

Michael answered first. "They're grey. Right?"

"Yeah they're like a light grey." Ritchie agreed.

Bri turned to Austin who had been uncharacteristically quiet. "Now tell them what colour you think they are."

He was silent before he quietly responded. "... Dark white."

Ritchie just stared at him, whilst Michael sighed and dropped his head into his hands.

"We really shouldn't be surprised, huh?" Ritchie laughed.

"No we shouldn't."

Bri laughed and Austin pouted, although he didn't seem actually upset. They spent the next hour trying to convince him that dark white wasn't a thing.

A/N: Yeah really short, I know. It's only like 150 words but I've been not feeling too well, so sorry. I literally just wrote this in like 20 minutes. The next one will be longer. (And hopefully not as garbage as this.)

Also A lot of the Origins of Olympus YouTubers are ending their parts in the series or leading up to it but I'll still keep writing this for a while after it ends. Btw thinking about doing another one shot book about Ritchie, Austin, and Michael's Wildthorne Academy and Rosewood so yeah that's a thing that might be.

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