Camp Mom Pt. 1 (S2)

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TW: Panic Attack

Cal had been wandering around the camp, taking a moment to relax between dealing with trying to figure out his godly parent and keeping an eye on the rest of his pantheon. Everything was calm and fine until he heard an odd sound. It sounded like someone was breathing very heavily. He followed the noise, concern growing in his chest, until he came across the archery training area. His eyes widened as they landed on Xylo on his knees and the end mouth of the lane, a bow clutched in his hand and screwed shut tightly. His breathes came in quick gasps which were turning to choking sobs.

"Xylo!?" Cal yelped sprinting closer and crouching next to the son of Hades. "Are you alright!?"

Xylo didn't acknowledge him, instead just curling up further. Suddenly apologies started spilling out. Cal couldn't make out most of it, just sorrys and a name which he didn't recognize, Austin.

Cal took a deep breath as he recognized what was happening. It was clear the son of Hades was in the middle of a panic attack. Luckily he knew how to help.

"Xylo." He kept his voice calm and even as he spoke, not reaching out to touch him. "Xylo, you are safe. You're at Camp Oasis."

 Slowly Xylo's eyes flickered open. "...Aus...tin..?"

He winced but shook his head. "No, it's me, Cal. I'm from the Egyptian Pantheon. Can you hear me now?"

Xylo nodded slowly, his breathing still manic and out of control.

"That's good. Can you do me a favor? Breathe in for four seconds." Xylo did as he asked and Cal smiled. "Good. Hold it for seven seconds... Alright and now breathe out for eight." After that Cal let out a sigh of relief. "Do that one more time?" Although he was doing better his breathes weren't quite even yet and Cal needed to make sure he wouldn't fall back into it or pass out on him.

After a round of breathing Xylo slowly looked over at him. Cal felt his heart go out to the other at the sight of his exhausted and empty eyes.

"Hey." Cal greeted as he pulled out his water bottle and holding it out to the other. "You good now?"

Xylo took it and quickly took a swig before answering. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm good... Thank you."

Cal shook his head. "Nah," he waved him off, "it was no big deal. Just doing what I hope someone would do for me."

"Still." Xylo sat back slowly uncurling himself. "It's appreciated."

They sat in silence for a moment the only sound being Xylo's occasional sips of water, before Cal spoke up. "...Do you want to talk about it?"

For a long second Xylo didn't speak, and Cal was sure he would decline before Xylo spoke, his eyes distant. "You still don't know your Dad, right?"

"No I don't."

"I... was once like that. But slightly different..."

"Different how?"

Xylo sighed picking at the grass. "I thought I knew, but I was wrong." When Cal didn't speak he continued. "And while I thought I was this other Gods child, I meet and actual child of his. He took to me immediately, calling me his twin and always trying to be around me. He was the ideal little brother."

"I assume you took to him rather quickly as well?"

Xylo nodded then paused and shook his head. "Sort of. At first it was great but then, there was a prophecy. The prophecy stated that someone at the camp was going to be evil. A bunch of people soon started looking to him. I was one of them. Then add a beautiful girl, a daughter of Aphrodite, to the mix and well..."

"Things spiraled from there." Cal concluded softly.

"...Yeah." Xylo shook his head and sighed. "Long story short, we had a falling out. And now he's no longer here."

"As in..?"

"Yeah. He's dead."

"I'm sorry." Cal murmured.

Xylo waved him off. "I've made my peace with it."

Cal strongly doubted that from the earlier display but nodded.

Xylo stood and offered his hand to Cal who took it. "Thanks again. For listening this time. There's not actually many people I feel like talking about this to."

Cal pulled himself up and shot him a smile. "Some times it's easier to tell a stranger than a friend."

"Yeah." He agreed and held the water bottle back towards him. "Thanks for the water as well."

Cal shook his head. "Keep it. I've got plenty and no offense, but you seem like you need it more than me."

Xylo smiled and pulled it back towards himself. "Thanks. God I sound like a broken record. I'm gonna go and get some rest. And maybe don't tell anyone about this?"

"Of course I won't. Be sure to take care of yourself man. And maybe you should talk to your friends about this. No pressure obviously! But..."

"...I'll think about it."

"That's all I ask. Get some rest Xylo."

Xylo nodded sending him one last weak smile before turning. He was nearly out of the clearing when Cal's mouth open and before he could stop himself he asked.

"Xylo? Who was the God you thought was your Dad?"

Xylo paused for a half second before calling over his shoulder. "Apollo." And with that the son of Hades was gone leaving Cal alone.

"Huh..." Cal watched where the other had gone before a memory shot through him.

Ricarro's voice echoed in his mind. "-my dad told me not tell people what happened in the underworld, like him cutting that son of Apollo's head off-"

Cal felt the colour drain from his face. It didn't take a genius to put two and two together. He shuddered and turned to head back to his Pantheon. There wasn't anything that could be done about it now but it was obvious that Xylo regretted it. It didn't seem to be what Xylo wanted and he honestly couldn't imagine going through that. And maybe it wasn't his place but Cal decided that he would keep an eye on Xylo.

He shook his head, silently cursing his motherly nature.

A/N: Hey guys. First off sorry about just dropping off the face of the Earth for a few months. I don't really have an excuse or reason but sorry nonetheless. I probably won't update a lot but I'll try to get back into the swing of things. And despite what I side about not updating a lot I do want to make a little series of Cal (My favorite Character so far) going around and helping people and just typically being a mom.

Also thank you all so much for the 100+ Followers? Like really? Wasn't expecting to get that, at least not so soon. Thanks a million you all. Peace!

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