Camp Mom Pt. 2 (S2)

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Cal was sitting in his room idly looking up information on the Egyptian Gods (despite already knowing most of the information he found) when he heard a knock at his door.

"It's open!" He called barely glancing up from the screen.

"No it's not..?" Solis's voice carried through the door sounding confused. "It's clearly closed."

Cal chuckled and stood with a stretch.  "It's an expression Solis." He explained through the door as he stepped up and opened it. "It means that the door is unlocked and you're allowed to enter."

"Oh." The sun of Ra tilted his head curiously. "But the door wasn't open so why not say it's unlocked?"

Cal shrugged. "I'm not quite sure. Maybe it's because in has the ability to be opened? Or maybe because it would only be open to the person being told that?" Solis started looking confused so Cal shook his head. "Never mind that. What can I do for you?"

Cal had barely finished his statement when something was pushed into his hands. He stumbled nearly dropping the thing before he was able to recognize it as a book. Not just any book, he realized belatedly, but it was the Fairy Tail manga specifically the origins spin off. He took a few moments looking between the book and Solis utterly confused.

"Uhh... Why are you giving me this?"

"Well..." Solis fidgeted and looked away. "I thought I could figure out what was happening by looking at the pictures but I couldn't and Inpu isn't here right now. I was wondering if you could help me?"

"This is in Japanese."

Solis's shoulders slumped. "So you can't help me?"

Cal sighed. "You're in luck. I have the English version of this manga. Come on in."

Solis threw his arms up and cheered. "Yay! Come on Scar, Cal's gonna help us!"

"Take a seat while I find it."

While Cal scoured his shelves Solis sat on his bed and pulled Scar up with him.

"Alright here it is." Cal turned ready to give it to Solis but then h remembered something. "Solis... You can't read English very well can you?"


Cal ran a hand through his hair and smiled. "All right then. Here." Cal passed the Japanese one back to him and pulled his chair over next to the bed. "You flip through that one while I read the words on this one."


The two sat there for the next two hours, Cal reading with Solis following along. It took longer than it probably should have but Solis kept interrupting to ask questions and Cal was happy to stop and answer any questions that he had. Even after they finished the volume they sat and discussed the characters and the odd similarities that appeared between them and some of the campers, like Davis and David's stripping habits (Davis being far less extreme) or the purple streak in Michael and Mikael's hair.

"You know," Solis added at some point, "You remind me of Lucas."

"Oh? How so?"

"You're both really nice, despite being thrown into new situations." Solis hummed as he absentmindedly played with Scar.

Cal held back a pleased flush at the sudden praise. "You think so?" At Solis's nod he smiled. "Well I do always try to take care of people and being nice to be around is a big part of that. It's just always been what comes naturally to me." He admitted. "I'm glad to hear people agree."

Solis nodded, a smile on his face as well. Then he yawned. "I'm tired!" He whined flopping back onto Cal's bed.

"Then you should go to bed."


"Wait not here-! ...You know what? Whatever. Sleep well Solis."

Cal sighed and shook his head as the son of Ra passed out immediately. He grabbed a blanket a laid it over both him and Scar before dragging his chair back to his computer, all the while a fond smile played at his lips.

A/N: Camp Mom! I've decided most of these are gonna be Cal with people he doesn't interact with a lot. Just cause I like to imagine how it would go. Any way I hope you all enjoyed! Peace!

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