Sundays Are NOT Fun Days (S1)

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"Are you sure about this Jakey?" Mitch whispered as he followed the other son of Poseidon through the dark halls of their deep under sea home where they lived with their father. The two young boys had decided to sneak out and see if they could go on an adventure. It was Jake's plan, and when he told Mitch about it he had thought it was good idea. Now though, he was no longer sure.

"C'mon Mitch it will be fine! The first thing we have to do is get out of the castle!"

"Preferably without waking up everyone..." Mitch muttered glaring at Jakey, who hadn't bothered being quiet.

Jake lowered his voice and giggled slightly. "Yeah, yeah. This way." Jakey grabbed Mitch and pulled him along. "Now the only way to get out of here without using the front entrance, because if we go there we'll get caught, is through the kitchen."

"The kitchen? Why is it in the kitchen?"


That was how they found themselves standing in the middle of the kitchens staring at a garbage chute. Jakey watched his brothers face carefully as Mitch couldn't seem to get his face to stay on one expression. He kept switching between disgust, horror, shock, confusion, and anger.

He settled on anger. "Jakey... What the hell!?"

His brother lunged and covered his mouth so that he wouldn't keep yelling and draw attention to them. They stood in silence for a moment, Mitch only then realizing how loud he'd been, before Jake slowly released him.

"Shh... Look it's not that bad! I swear!" He huffed in irritation. "Look do you want to go exploring or not? This is the only way we are leaving without getting caught."

Mitch shook his head in disbelief. "How do you know this leads us out? Wait does this mean all or trash... It's being dumped straight into the ocean!?" Mitch whispered harshly looking like he might be sick.

"No, no of course not." Jakey consoled him. "This will drop us into a trash pit area. From there we can sneak out through the pick up area."

Mitch relaxed slightly. "If you say so..." Mitch shrugged before looking back to the chute. "Who goes first?"

"Well I think you should go first."

"What? Why me?"

"Because how else do I know you won't just go back to bed?"

"Really? That's your reason? Well if that's case how do I know that this isn't just some kind of prank?"

"Would I put this much effort into a prank!?"

"Yes! You very clearly would!"

"Would not!"

"Would too!"

The two brothers stood there arguing quietly in hushed whispers before they were interrupted by the sound of the kitchen doors opening. They both froze and fell quiet. Lucky for them the garbage chute was in a blind spot to the door and due to a large counter that the children were small enough to be hidden by. The two could make out two other voices as they listened.

"I could of sworn I heard someone taking in here..."

Mitch's eyes widened as he turned to face Jake, who wore the same started expression. It was one of the guards that has been patrolling the castle. Their horror grew as they heard the voice of the person who responded.

"I could of sworn I did too..." It was their father, Poseidon! "Let's look around."

Mitch jumped when Jake grabbed his arm and mouthed 'you go first' and Mitch nodded in agreement. The chute was pretty high up and Mitch had to jump just to grab it. Jake had grabbed him to give a boost up and when Mitch pulled himself in he saw that it started as a gentle slope that got steeper as it went. This gave him enough room so he could turn to grab Jakey's hand and to pull him up. But at that moment the two were interrupted by a light turning on. They both looked to the light switch and saw Poseidon staring at them in shock.

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