New york

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"You and I remember Budapest very differently"
I say as I shoot the Chitauri with my bow. I love Natasha but I don't want her to know because she has always said "love is for children." I don't want that to be what she says forever I want her to be mine, that means if she was to have a bullet fired towards her I would take it and die for her. She doesn't understand how much she means to me she is the best thing that has and ever will happen to me. I think I'm going to man up and ask her out. Let's hope that she says yes and not try to kill me.

After we have defeated Loki I have decided I'm going to take Tasha out on a date, I hope she likes it because I have put a lot of effort into this date. When we are driving I take the opportunity to ask her.

"Natasha will you like to go on a date with me?" I say.
She blushes, wow I made her blush that's a good sign.
"Yes I will go on a date with you I have been waiting for you to ask me forever."
Wow I was a little blown away with her answer but this I'm my time to ask.
"Tasha I have loved you since the first day I saw you I saw potential in you I saw love,passion,courage,hope, all of these have made me love you and I have been nervous about what you would say."
"I love you to Clint, you have made me into a better person that I was before, you have made me stronger but weak, kind but mean, all of these have made me get stronger everyday hoping that one day you would tell me you love me."

I love her I want to make our first date the best one we have ever had. I am going to pick her up take her to her favourite diner, catch a movie, and hopefully have a night to ourselves.

Tonight she is drop dead gorgeous, even though she is like that everyday. Her dress just makes it stand out more. I took her to her favourite diner that wasn't destroyed by the chitauri.
"Tasha you look beautiful tonight."
"Thanks you do too Clint."
Is this really happening? I don't know what to say what if she can tell I'm panicking, well let's just hope she doesn't. It's almost lie, she read my mind when she said
"I can tell your nervous Clint so am I this is the first time I have been out in a long time that wasn't for our job."
Wow she is too smart that's one of the reasons why I love her so much.

After we have finished our meal I ask
"would you like to go catch a movie your pick?"
"I would love to do that Clint lets go see S.W.A.T."
Fully-knowing l that it is one of my favourite movies of all time.

After the movie it is late so I asked her if she would like to spend the night. She said yes,wow I'm doing great for the first date I thought to my self.

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