Just A Friend

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Marinette Dupain-Cheng was in a hurry. It just so happened that she had woken up late (no surprise there), was need to deliver a mega-size box of macaroons all the way across the city, and had a movie to go to with her friends- in twenty minutes. 


"Coming, coming. I'm coming!" Screeched Mari, attempting to get dressed, brush her teeth, and eat a spare granola bar she kept for an emergency. Running downstairs, she kissed her mom on the cheek, grabbed the box, and waved goodbye. She chatted with Tikki as she sprinted to the house of the client. 

"I just can't believe I (pant) slept in (pant) again! Last night was such a (pant) tiring (pant) akuma!" The akuma last night was of a lady who had forgotten important plans, and was fired by her boss. It was tiring, long, and start at three in the morning. Marinette, who was not used to lack of sleep, had slept through her alarm. Again. 

Tikki smiled. "You're doing great, though! And with luck, you'll deliver everything and get to the movies on-" Seeing someone, Tikki slipped back into Marinette's bag. "Movies on what? Tikki?" Marinette glanced around, and saw someone. Oh. She continued on. 

"Hey, Marinette!" Marinette, without turning around, waved. "Hey! I-" She double glanced- and learned possibly the craziest fact of her life. Marinette had just seen Adrien, and spoke. Without stuttering, blushing, falling, or mixing up her sentences. Blushing furiously, she turned back around. 

"Hey, what are you doing Marinette? You know the movie starts in-what, ten minutes?" Mari slowed. "Y-yeah, I-I know. I have to client to deliver a. I-I mean I-I have a client t-to deliver to." Adrien smiled. "Can I walk you? We're going to the movie anyways." "S-sure."


Alya, walking from her home to the movies, noticed the two.- Adrien talking, and Marinette She doubled back. Since WHEN did Adrien walk with Marinette- anywhere? She was going to find out. 

About fifteen minutes late, Adrienette ran up to the theater where Alya and Nino had been waiting. Alya glared at them. "I've been waiting for five minutes. Five. Whole. Minutes. Explain." Adrien glanced at Marinette, who had about fifty layers of red on her cheeks. "We had to deliver to a client of Marinette's, and it took a while. Did the movie start yet?" Alya's glare hardened. "No, that's not what I mean. Explain why you're here TOGETHER." Adrien's cheeks darkened. "I-um- saw her and since we were going to come here anyways w-we walked together?" 

Alya frowned, then decided that she would think about this later. "Great, then let's go!" Adrien and Marinette hurried inside- but not before Alya had caught Marinette's arm. "Details later." She whispered. Marinette rolled her eyes, nodded, and ran after Adrien. 

Through the entire movie (which was pretty good, even though Nino stole most of the popcorn), Alya had two things on her mind. Popcorn- and Adrien. 

Adrien had stuttered. Adrien. Freaking. Agreste. Had. Stuttered. This was mind-blowing- and certainly a new note in the book of Adrienette. Alya decided- right then and there- to do something. This couple wasn't going to get together without some hard work.  

Question of the, uh, chapter: 

Which is your favorite ship of the love square? Mine are Marichat (duh) and Adrienette. 

Please comment which ones this fanfic needs more of! I'm open to suggestions, characters, and grammar correcting. Thx for reading! 


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