The Heartbreak Part 1

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*Chat Noir /Adrien POV* 

Before Chat had even a chance to turn around, he heard a thump. He whipped around, to see the dark figure wrapped up in a red and black yo-yo- with no owner in sight. Chat looked around with the corner of his eye, but before he reached the figure, he heard a high pitched shout. "Chat, catch!" Chat held out his arms, and a pony-tailed girl fell into his arms. "Wha- Ladybug?" 

Ladybug looked at him, and then jumped out of his arms and started sprinting toward the dark figure. Chat's arms were suddenly cold. "Come on, Chat! There's a villain on the loose!" 

"A-wha- oh yeah!" Chat shook his head and sprinted off after his lady. 

The villain had already managed to undo the yo-yo string and was far into the distance. Chat swore. "Gosh darn! That shizzling person is always getting in my frickety-fracking way! Dang it!" Ladybug looked behind her at him like he was crazy. "What did you just say?" Chat blushed. "Oh, sorry, pardon my language. It's just that that gosh darn person is so annoying!" Ladybug burst out laughing. "What?" Chat asked. 

"Nothing." Ladybug looked in front of her, still smiling. Suddenly, her smile dropped. "The villain! Where is she?" 

"I'm right here." The voice echoed, though the heroes were standing out on top of the building. "And by the way, the name's X." 

Ladybug rolled her eyes. "What kind of a name is X? And besides, what are you doing here?" She looked so brave, standing there. Gosh, I love that lady. 

X shouted again, answering Ladybug's question. "X is the name of someone who's broken, who's been x'd off as if they were contaminated. Of someone who's an x to another. Of-" X's voice broke off, and this time, Ladybug wasn't snarky. She stood there, looking over the buildings, her smirk dropping into a frown. "Oh, X. If it's heartbreak, we can help fix that. I know how you feel." 

"You do?" X sounded hopeful for a second- and then her voice changed. "Well, you can't. No one can solve this type of problem. EVERYONE DESERVES TO FEEL MY PAIN!" 

Chat could see a black cloud erupting from the Eiffel Tower. This was bad. This was really, really bad. The clouds of anguish were washing over the city, and X was nowhere to be found. 

Ladybug stood there, watching the clouds. She shook her head. "Come on, we have to find her!" Chat watched as she started swinging away again. Here we go again.  

*Ladybug POV* 

The sad thing is, Ladybug completely understood what X was talking about. It's hard to be ignored by the love of your life, and it gets worse as the days and weeks and months pass. It'll be hard to help this one, if they can. If they were able to catch her, however, Ladybug was going to make things right. 

She watched Chat as he surveyed the buildings. He hadn't made a single pun, and Ladybug was starting to wish she had something to laugh at. 

Ah well. They would figure out a way to fix this somehow. 

She turned her head to scan the buildings- and then heard a scream. A scream that sounded like Chat. 

Was it....


Hey y'all! I know, I know, I'm really bad at publishing on time. And it's short. Again. I think I'm about as late to publish on here as Marinette is late to school. Ah well. 

You guys are the best! Love you all! 

XOXO fandom_worshipper24

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