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Welcome everyone!!! To the Sequel of The Dragon Lorde.

A portal between worlds is said to be the most exhilarating feeling a person can experience. Pounding throughout the ears and a drumming of a heartbeat is likely how a body would first react when sucked through the silent cold hole.

Then hushed whispers would idle by. Gracing, slithering, and sending a chill down one's spine as limbs were twisted around each other in complete darkness. The body would spasm or possible freeze in shock. But eventually it would all stop.

Heat so hot it seared at one's skin would be one of the first sensations one would feel in the other world. For the scorching rays from this massive sun was entirely different to the sun we all know on Earth. Next would be the vivid colors in the trees, flowers, and sky. Colors so bright and stunningly beautiful it could bring a grown giant to his knees.

This glorious new world called 'Aron' was similar yet so vastly unlike our beloved Earth. It was round like a sphere and was filled with great oceans and land. But that is where the similarities halted.

This world held creatures and races not known to man. Creatures with wings, sharp horns, and leathered scales wandered through the dark coverings within the forests. Some were filled with grace and intelligence, while others were moved by hunger and predatory instinct.

This magical world held many races from tiny dancing elves to the monstrous feet of a giant. Though if one was unlucky enough they would spot the glowing red eyes of an Ogon out from the darkness of the shadows.

There was never war in this world until the horrible split between two twin Caunion brothers. Tarian and Xavier sons of the Valen Dragon King. It all began with an accident. A horrifying incident where Xavier's dragon burned Tarian's beautiful wife and children in their beds.

Some whispered within the safety of their homes that the Dragon was possessed by Mephisto himself for such an awful act. But others say Tarian deserved it. That his hidden vile nature needed to be taught a lesson.

No one knows who truly was behind it all. Except for the fact that it was the first spark of the war. The bloody war between Valen Lorde's and Dragon slayers.

Consumed by grief and rage Tarian fled the castle with nothing but vengeance swelling in his heart. Promising his brother that he would have revenge he began to build his army.

A vicious army that would crumble the lasting peace on this world. Frightened from his brothers actions Xavier searched for a powerful Fae. A Fae who would save them all.

Her name was Ariella. A delicate name for a stunning individual. She created a secret island for all Dragon Lorde's and their beasts. Keeping them hidden away from all lurking eyes and evil hands.

Though there was a sneaky catch.

The island was their saving grace but it also was their new prison. No one, not one single living powerful being could leave the Island once Ariella set her protection spell. The Lorde's were trapped inside hidden away forever.

Time passed and drizzled by, as their powerful legacy began to evaporate its way out from this world. Vanishing from one's minds until Dragons and their Lorde were only a myth. Tales told to excite children as they were put to bed.

But somewhere on this spectacular world laid an island. A hidden island filled with glorious dragons and their masters. An island locked away without a key.

Unwilling to Succumb (The Dragon Lorde #2)Where stories live. Discover now