Chapter Fourteen: The Return of the Dancing Dragons

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"Now gentlemen." Lorde Alonso, intervened, his accent softer than butter. "Let's not be hasty."

But his words only spurred on the men around us, causing me scuffle back in alarm, as they tightened our circle. The man who had spoken before, scratched his shiny scalp, while regarding Lorde Alonso in what I could only believe to be amusement.

"Er hear tha men? Did ye hear tha dirtyslaaf speak to me?" The man mocked out, into his growing crowd of men.

Taunting chortles rose into the air, as men slapped their dirty knees with their dirty hands.

Why those scummy...I cursed a few words that would have not been highly appreciated in society, much less by a woman, as my hands shook in ferocity towards the men, imagining that my fingers were choking each one of their stringy necks.

"Dirtyslaaf?! Why I'll show you who's a dirtyslaaf all right!" I cried out towards the men, taking a step forward.

These men had it in for them! If I had only pocketed a bar of soap.... I would have these scoundrels choking on suds in seconds!

Dirtyslaaf was one of the utmost offensive words one could say, to a person of color. When one stated such words, they were defining this person as a dirty slave, which they believed to be the only suited position, for a person of color.

I barely took two steps, before a hand lashed out and yanked me back into a firm chest. My eyes followed the lean strong fingers attached to my shoulder, up an arm tensing in preparation, before finally landing on Kaede's chiseled jaw ticking in silent rage.

"My brother, is no dirtyslaaf." Lorde Kaede stated, with such iciness, a chill slithered its way down my spine. "Now, before this grows devastating for you, I suggest that you leave. All of you."

As I had expected them to, the men began to twist their hands nervously against their mud- smeared trousers, before slowly backing away.

"What is tis? What are ya leavin?!" The hairless man shrieked out, to his retreating men.

But they heeded their leader no glance, as they began to hightail their way down the street.

I twisted out from Kaede's strong grip and shook my fists at their backs in triumphant. "Yes! That's right! Be gone you baldheaded cowards!"

But suddenly my words were muted by the pounding of numerous feet, then from around the bend appeared more men. The other men! The very bloody men who had been chasing us earlier! They came charging down the street, their footsteps louder than booming canons, as they cheered at the sight of us.

It appears we escaped the claws of a monster, only to be entrapped by another.

Hands pushed at my frame, tailcoats slapped my cheeks, then before I knew it, Lorde Kaede and Lorde Alonso were tightly around me, hiding me from sight. "Lpmh muh go!" But to my great fury, my words were stifled against a black tailcoat pressed harshly to my face.

I struggled against their grips, as the pounding of boots grew louder and sharper to the ear. My eyes only met darkness, and my teeth met only warm cloth. "Lpmh muh go!"

Then suddenly the slapping of boots against stone ceased, before a startling voice screeched into the air.


There was a pause.

Then a gasp shocked the air, before being followed by a familiar voice. A gravelly voice that could only belong to the balding man.

"You...What are ye doin here?!"

"To fetch this wanted lot!" The first voice replied back, just as harshly.

Unwilling to Succumb (The Dragon Lorde #2)Where stories live. Discover now