Chapter Ten: To Shop for Trousers

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The ocean. A daunting mystery that has yet to be solved. For there is a beauty behind its dangerous tides, and utter darkness, a certain wonder of concealment beneath its many watery levels. One may say they even heard the oceans wet whispers, as a foamy wave tickled their toes. Some may laugh. Others shy away. But I? Well, I would listen. For I've seen the marvelous sight of the ocean's waves and it's never-ending refusal to stop kissing the shoreline no matter how many times they are sent away. For there is nothing more intriguing than an unsolved mystery.

But whereas the ocean is all daunting grace, rivers are far worse. The frightening pace of dark water rafting through rocks and sharply concealed objects only furthers one's imminent death, as they are tossed and broken apart by its rapid strength. Leaving any meek and worthless prey unarmored to a vicious watery demise.

A demise that now appeared to be mine.

"We're crossing that?!" I inquired, heatedly, with a gaze locked onto the familiar green ripples of the swift river.

"Yes." Kaede answered, from beside me.

I looked up in exasperation. "Are you deranged-"My sentence ceased faster than a dog teased with a bone, as Kaede's gaze flashed in warning. "But it's the bloody Behemoth River! I believe you must recall the disastrous events that unfolded the last we were here."

"Unfortunately, I do recall those certain events. "Eyes darker than water thrashing beside us, met my own, as Kaede thought over my words in silence. "But it's merely an excuse. We will cross this river, before sunrise."

"Yes, sir." I mockingly saluted.

Minutes grew to hours, as the two Lorde's discussed numerous strategies they drew in the bloody dirt of the ground. When another proposal would leave their lips, they both would then begin to pace along the green river's bank, like hounds sniffing for clues.

I bite sharply into a crunchy apple only paces away from the two, nestled, quite comfortably might I say, against a mound of grass. "Those two are surely determined, are they not?" I was quickly answered, with few agreeing chirps from my dragons.

There had to be a way to reach Isleburg without crossing the blasted river!

But I knew it was merely false hope, for I have seen the map of Ari with my very own eyes and the bright colors extruding from the scroll. And there was no other way, not when the Behemoth river practically split Ari in half.

Well I'd better say farewell to my toes, while I still have the chance.

"Ah! Excellent!!" Lorde Alonso suddenly cried out, in excitement by the edge of the river's bank.

I tossed my apple core in the foliage behind me, before patting my derriere as I stood up. "What? What is it?"

"Come see for yourself, Emoriah." Alonso said, with his accent lagging the L in self.

As I made my way down to them, I began to witness the most bizarre scene laid out before my eyes.

They were throwing bloody rocks.

What the hells?

I scrambled back as a rather hefty rock smashed into the river sending a cascade of green swampy droplets across my dress. "And how is this supposed to help us cross the river?"

"Listen." Kaede demanded, before tossing a smooth black rock into the hidden depths of the moving water with a soft poink!

My, oh my, what nuthouse did they escape-

But then I unexpectedly heard it, an unlikely thud of the rock striking the river's bottom, only seconds after the rock was released from Kaede's fingertips.

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