Chapter Eleven: Ocean Somersaults

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"We have to swim?!" I exclaimed in horror, as Alonso jumped off the marble stone and into the blue ocean waves, with feet bare.

I had expected to experience a great many things, while avenging my mother, but swimming was not one of them. The very thought of being surrounded head to toe, with the one liquid that had the power to distinguish my gift, had my throat clenching painfully in terror. For fire could never triumph over water.

Ah, but there is one other fear, you're forgetting about. A snide voice hissed, from the corners of my mind. You couldn't swim, even if you wanted to.

Yes, thank you. For that 'oh so helpful' reminder. I hissed.

"Yes." Kaede answered, as he stood stiffly at the marble's edge with his back directed at me. "Unless you spot a boat. We are swimming."

I glanced longingly down the smooth marbled shore, hoping, praying, and even wiggling my fingers. But to my great misery, there was no bloody boat.

Well then! You will just have to learn, won't you?

Swimming couldn't be that difficult, could it not?

My legs began to tremble as I moved closer towards the edge of the stone, when a strong spray of sea water suddenly doused my new trousers. Urgh! Why must it be so bloody cold!! My scarlet curls still matted with the rivers slime escaped the clutches of my cloak, as a hefty breeze swept by attempting to throw me into the crashing waves below.

How high was I?

Oh, bloody hell Emoriah! Jump will you!!

So, I jumped. My white shirt flared around my waist, like a hot air balloon, as I plummeted towards my watery grave. Down. Down! Down!!

Cold water assaulted me from all sides thrashing against my waist and up my nostrils, causing a burning sensation as it pooled down my throat. My clothes suddenly felt as heavy as chains, pulling, dragging, and towing me towards the ocean's floor. Gripping my bag tightly with one arm I hauled my way back up to the surface.

Unlike the Behemoth River, the ocean was a brilliant blue, with water so clear I could spot the green residue floating about that had once clung to my skin. The water felt lighter and more buoyant, for I hardly used my drowning feline technique to stay afloat. How is this possible?

"The salt." Kaede's curt voice stated, from behind me. "The salt in the water adds mass, which then permits objects to float up towards the surface of the water that would normally sink in fresh water."

I ran my fingers through the clear water. "How interesting-"But my words were suddenly cut from my tongue, as a massive wave punched the air painfully from my stomach.

I tumbled and flipped through the thrashing current of the ocean seeing nothing, but the unknown. With my throat and nose rubbed raw from salt, and lungs bursting for a fresh breath of air. My panic returned even stronger, as it crept out from the black corners of my mind.

Clutching my bag tightly between my arms was no use, when the next crashing wave only wrenched it away from my gasp, before tossing me carelessly away, as if I was nothing but a forgotten piece of waste. Emoriah you are not dying. Not when you are so bloody close!! But it was hopeless, for I had lost all sense of direction. I knew not even where the surface laid, as I somersaulted through the water.

Then without warning something solidly firm smashed into my waist, halting my violent twisting with a quick yank upwards. Bursting forth from the water I sucked air in through my greedy lungs, while coughing the water out from my chest. A task I never thought would be possible to accomplish at the same time, but nonetheless I succeeded.

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