Chapter Four: An Innocent Game of Eavesdropping

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The sweet lullaby of tweeting birds echoed from the open window in the room as a whirlwind of fresh cool air blew its glorious self in; like a breath from Salvador himself. The air swirled its way through the cluttered chamber and tickled the loose fiery locks against one's brow, before twirling away in an escape.

The grand escape of Morning.


"Drat!" I whispered headily, under my breath, as I ripped the tangled sheets away from my legs.

Generally, my mornings did not begin like this; late, rattled, and completely unprepared. No, in fact they were often more thought out, from my toes being stuffed into slipper coverings to the last groomed scarlet tendril of my hair. But perhaps the events of last night were to blame.

Truly... who could not be late after a sleepless night filled with marvelous adventure and fright?

The grey marble beneath my feet bit and snapped coldly at my heels, as I hurried my way towards the massive wardrobe placed near the open window. Yanking the creamy white nightgown off my frame, I began to slip on the numerous frilly items any hopeful woman would desire.

Throughout the pain striking years of being held prisoner within these castle walls my appearance began to blossom and sprout into a somewhat attractive young woman. Soft curves in my once gangly legs grew prominent and as for my kettle drums, well they appeared entirely more existent than before.


Twisting in front of the tall looking glass, a scowl grew quickly present on my lips, at the sight of the mangled corset around my torso.

Blast! When the hells did this become upside-down?

A loud snort sounded from behind me, instantly interrupting any vexing thoughts slithering and pushing through my mind.

"Oh, hush." I demanded, as I again attempted to pull the corset further down my hips, which was rather a mistake seeing as I had my crinoline and petticoat tied to my waist.

But that seemed to have only risen the amusement of the devious creature's behind me, as gleeful chirps and echoing whistles were thrown at my backside. Grabbing a slipper shoe from the wardrobe with a rather pointy heel attached to it, I chucked it blindly behind me.

Luckily enough I was awarded with an antrum of shrieks, as the slipper shoe soared through the air before striking against the marble wall beside them.

Grabbing tightly onto the hem of the despicable corset I jerked and wiggled my way free from its clutches, before kicking the entirety back into the farthest corner of the wardrobe.

I will just have to make due without a corset. Surely one wouldn't notice a difference, would they?

Putting my hands against the dip of my hips I surveyed the numerous options of dresses splayed in a colorful arrangement for all those to see. Like a frilly, flamboyant assortment of flowers that gleamed and dazzled one's eyes to blindness. A possibility to why most of the dresses here have yet to see the light of day.

Too much lace!

Far too many pink bows.

What is this! An explosion of feathers?

Ah ha!

Snatching a lilac gown from the shadows of my wardrobe I threw it over the thick petticoat tied to my waist. Winking slyly towards my reflection I admired my handy work.

It's perfect! Father will truly forget my whereabouts the night before after sighting this shade of purple!

Flattening down the stubborn wrinkles at the waistline, I took in the sight of my hair with a furrowed brow. My hair usually appears a ravishing shade of red, with an un-ending abundant of curly tendrils that bounce freely down my mid-back.

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