Chapter Twenty-Two: Leviathan

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Darkness surrounded me, like a cloud of unknowing vulnerability. My eyes stretched and widened for sight, but there was nothing, only a blackness that continuously favored the blind.

If it weren't for my nose being pressed against a large button or my eyelashes striking a resistance with every lift, I would have almost believed myself blind. But I wasn't. In fact, I was entirely and completely pressed up to a man's chest, red pained nose to down near my knees. Not any man! Oh ho! Now, what kind of woman do you take me for?

Lorde Kaede had a firm warm grip around my waist, holding me close to his tailcoat. But though I couldn't see, I could still hear. And I heard plenty, mind you.

There was soft neigh of a horse, then the sound of boots striking sand. I pictured a round, plump man tumbling from his stead, his face slicked with sweat and trembling like a mouse. I bit my bottom lip from laughing.

"Good evening...erm gentlemen." Mr. Quinton's grating voice, announced.

A tense silence sat between us. A silence that spoke many and yet so very few unspoken words. As for the tenseness, that was all in Mr. Quinton's tone. A certain suspiciousness, that led me to believe he knew these men were anything but.

"Evenin." A deep pleasant voice replied, Captain Julian's voice.  "May I help ya, Mr. Quinton?"

There was a rustle of cloth, then a metallic whisking sound. A sound that abruptly sent an image through my mind, of blades being pulled from their scabbards, weapons glinting like silvers wisps beneath the pale glow of the moon. The eerie shadows encasing the pirates faces, as they waited for a command from their captain

There was a pause. Then Mr. Quinton spoke again.

"Why yes! I suppose you can help me in a way..... I'm looking for a woman, average height with scarlet hair. Eyes of bright cerulean." There was a soft rustling of feet in the sand." You pleasant men haven't bumped into such a lady, have you?"

Captain Julian replied back instantaneously, his tone even suggesting there to be a smile at his lips. "Scarlet hair ya say? Sounds to me the lady is a looker, would ya not agree?"

"Yes, quite a sight. But have you seen her, Captain Julian? Have you seen this woman?"

How the bloody hell does Mr. Quinton know our captain?!

The arms around my waist tightened, bringing a sudden gasp from my lips. Blast! I pressed my mouth against Lorde Kaede's chest, scorning myself for making such a sound. But it seemed no one at present heard me, besides the man in front of me, breathing softly down my neck.

I felt as if my head laid stuck in a wooden headrest, waiting for the hand of the executor to pull the rope, releasing the ghastly and luminous blade from above. For a single word from the captain, could deliver me to the guillotine. I held my breath as I waited, my chest heavy and raw, as if the sand at our feet had suddenly appeared its way inside my lungs.

"No, we havena seen any woman such as that." Captain Julian replied, finally.

I exhaled shakily against the cloth pressed against my face, now damp on my cheeks from every hot breath.

Mr. Quinton tsked under his breath. "Ah, pity...pity. You see this woman has a substantial price on her head. A price that would truly help your imprisoned maiden, Cap..tain."

There was a swoosh of a blade being ripped from its sheath, followed by a sharply agitated voice, Captain Julian's voice. Though what had me itching to see with my own eyes, in case my ears were mistaken, was his sudden clear pronunciation. Gone was the thick pirating accent, shared by all thieves and murders, the Captain now spoke as well as any educated young man.

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