Chapter Nine: Then There were Three

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A darkening silence hovered above us like a heavy cloud teasing of rainfall, filled with destruction. Every hair attached to my legs, arms and neck stood on end from the warm breath brushing against my neck. A breath that slithered its way down my spine and to my toes in quivering shivers. His breath.

I bit my lip sharply, before turning around. "To my chamber."

There he was, standing before me, merely inches away from my frame. Staring down much like....a bloody predator!

He was so close, yet so utterly far away with that impenetrable mask latched onto his face. A mask created ultimately out of cold unbreakable ice. Then there were his raging sea-colored eyes staring forcefully against mine, as if digging for...wait just a moment!

I know that look. That crazy, yet intensely probing stare of his!

The bastard is reading your mind!

I stumbled back against the door. "You know it's still quite rude to read one's thoughts, Lorde Kaede."

But Kaede only took a swift advance forward, with an expression filled with anything but amusement. "Give me the paper."

How does he know...

You fool! He read your thoughts.

Indeed. Now hand over the slip of paper.



I will not!

You will hand it over, now!

During the vexing argument in my mind, I hadn't realized the sudden proximity of our bodies, and I believe he didn't as well. But now, as I stood breathing furiously, as if I had rather fought with my tongue then my mind; I noticed it.

Oh, and did I notice it.

Though concealed with many layers of clothing the hardness of his chest still pressed against mine, with every breath. As for his hands. Well, they appeared to have firmly found their perch on my arms, by means of confirming that I truly stood there. My eyes followed the precise line of shiny black buttons on his vest, until they ended right below his sharp, unmoving Adam's apple. Then rather hesitatingly my gaze moved over the soft skin of his face, before resting on his eyes.

Eyes filled with what seemed to be a step below fondness.

He is so warm and so very bloody manly.

Then as if my eyes had struck him alive, Kaede recoiled back, like he had been burned with a whip. But there was also something else, a certain triumph in his eyes and a pleasing tilt of his lips.

Aware of the sudden cold air, I wrapped my arms around my waist, before I spotted it. The small white slip of paper clutched within Kaede's hand.

"Hey! That's mine!"

"Isleburg." Kaede stated, completely ignoring my plea. "There is a hidden way off the island in Isleburg."

I halted my attempts to snatch the paper from his hands, when his words finally cleared through my mind. "Why that's nearly a two day's walk." I whispered, excitedly, under my breath, entirely not expecting such a short distance.

"I'm coming with you."

A pause of silence settled between us, as I stared disbelieving up at Kaede's chiseled face. But to no surprise, I was received with nothing but a blank stare. Oh my, he was actually serious.

"And why would you do that?" I inquired, with a raised brow.

"I believe you adventuring off alone is rather foolish, Emoriah." Kaede's eyes flashed. "And seeing as it is merely impossible to stop you," Kaede gritted out. "only proves I shall come."

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