Chapter Three: Beastie Family

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Light is a marvelous and spectacular gift given to the world. Blossoming hues of colorful lights paint the sky every dawn as sunlight approaches itself from the horizon, like the welcoming sight of one's mother in the morning. Light brings the world awake to glorious wonders that once laid hidden in the shadows of night. Light also dazzles and holds the cold darkness at bay as it twinkles from dripping candles and a crackling fireplace. Light. A simple, warm glow, that can put an everlasting smile upon one's face.

A truth that seemed at the moment to be the biggest, fattest lie ever told.


My thick boots froze in alarm before an extensively elaborate rug, yet it wasn't the sight of the shiny, gold threads hanging loosely from the mat. Oh no! It was the very sight of a warm glow, emanating from the crack beneath a door.

I passed many massive chambers and extravagant staircases, as I snuck and crept through the castle, but my eyes had yet to spot an orange glow of light. It could mean only one thing. That there was someone awake behind the door. Reading, frolicking, and twiddling their diminutive thumbs around. Honestly, I could care less on what took place behind that door.

Even if it were piles upon piles of delicate, dark chocolates and truffles, being feasted on by boorish Lorde's with a lumpy pooch for a stomach. Yet my mind still raced and churned with nausea, as if it knew something I did not. But perhaps that was for the better.

"Emoriah." A deep voice uttered softly, from behind the wooden door.

Oh prat. How could I have been so foolish?

It was simply far too easy to spot now that I thought of it. The loose gold threads lining an intricate crown of royalty, and the sharp precise letters carved on the wooden frame of the door spelling out 'King Caunion' for all of those to see.

Glancing towards the dark corridor to my right- where there laid shadows and numerous beautiful hiding areas for a troublesome young woman- I began to step slowly away from the fine threads of the rug.

If only I could scamper down the hall without a sound...

"Emoriah, I know that is you behind the door." Father announces, with an edging annoyance in his tone.

I cleared my throat.

"Emoriah? Why your highness, you are mistaken. Tis I, Lorde Wimple...bottom. Here to guard this door until told otherwise, your majesty."

Ha! Take that you chauvinist beasts!

"Emoriah. Get in here!" Father's voice roared.

Sighing dejectedly, I pushed the smooth wooden door open, but not before stomping on the golden crown stitched within the rug. Blast!

Father's chamber still appeared the same, when I last saw it a year past. With the dark, wooden wainscoting covering and choking the walls around us; and hollow, hard wood floors beneath our feet. Substantial scarlet and golden threaded rugs hung against the wooden walls and floor. As if the towering, golden canopy sheathing the massive, feathery bed wasn't enough. A hot, crackling fire swirled within a fireplace beside the elaborate sheets of the bed, coaxing and calming the rapid beat of my heart.

Beside the extravagant fireplace was a plush, velvet chair that gleamed an alluring emerald shade, but unfortunately that wasn't what spiked my fear. Oh no, it was rather who sat between the two plump cushions.

Father's frame had shrunk rapidly since the death of my mother. From his sharp, hollowed cheeks and bony arms and legs, many grew quickly distressed at first sight of him. Countless Lorde's and servants attempted to save their King's new appearance and deranged mindset, but none had succeeded. Especially when his kind, light eyes suddenly had grown darker, as he stared out stoically with a frozen glare to any who dared disturb him.

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