Chapter Seventeen: Charged & Convicted

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WARNING! There are some frightening imagery for those who scare easily. Please read at your own risk! Thank you.

The presence of death is a daunting thing. Icy and unsympathetic like a cloud hurling raindrops from above. Much akin to an electric strike of lighting across the sky. Strong, fast, and unquestionably silent.

However, it all depends on how one greets death. Whether a blade to the chest, or a sickness in bed. Whether in peaceful tranquility or in extricating pain. The presence of death will approach, like a looming shadow edging nearer and nearer.

Until one finally pivots on their heel and welcomes death.

A long-lost friend they've been expecting to meet.


The presence of a looming death, stitched shut the lips of men down the street, encasing and enrapturing the street in silence.

Except for the silky voice above us. Softly stating a bounty for our heads, like he was rather at a tea party then a place where people are hung for entertainment. And by Salvador this was no sweet biscuits and honey!

The man peered down on us, his eyes calculating brightly, before retrieving a roll of parchment from the sleeve of his black dress. "By the claims of Lorde Quinton, two fugitives have escaped his grasps."

I felt Lorde Kaede stiffen against me. Now this couldn't be good, now could it?

The man's voice now rang stronger and clearer than before. "Lorde Kaede convicted of plundering, depredation, assassination, and the endangerment of Sobia. If caught, Lorde Keade will be sentenced to the gallows. Persons will be awarded one hundred ginbels."

By now, Lorde Kaede was stiller than a block of ice, his dark gaze sending excited tremors up my spine. From the sight of his brooding expression, the man was either quite put out on being sentenced to death, or the price on his head was far lower than expected.

But before I could ponder over this harrowing thought, the man in the dress spoke again.

"As for the other fugitive Lorde Keade's female acquaintance, a woman with hair like fire. A woman known to be the utmost evilest and cunning temptress Sobia has ever seen. So, with glee, am I to say, that the woman is charged and convicted with...." The man's lulling voice was abruptly muffled, as the crowd began shouting profanity's up at him.

"Bloody hell! Did you know I was this impressive, Lorde Kaede?"

I smiled, as his dark blue eyes landed on mine, his expression further from being amused than a chicken learning to fly. "Sarcasm is a waste of time, Miss Emoriah. Especially when convicted."

"Indeed? Then what about kissing me?" I inquired, softly, before moving in front of his frame, so he had no choice but to meet my gaze. "Was that a waste of your bloody time?"

Without permission my palm danced across his covered tailcoated chest, landing on the spot where his heart laid. "Well?" I demanded, and for a spare moment I thought I'd felt the mad hammering of his heart beneath my fingertips.

Dark eyes harder than bricks of ice, swirling and crashing as one, like waves in the ocean, held my gaze captive. Suddenly the strongest urge to attack this man rushed through me, like a heady pouring of hot raindrops. I desired only to torture this man with my lips. His face, his mouth, his chest. And from the intense burning in his gaze, he too felt similarly inclined.

Lorde Kaede opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, the man adorned in a gown with a face glowing red under the black symbols painted across his cheeks beat him too it.

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