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Sapphire peered nervously around the corner. She ran down yet another long, glossy hall. Once again taking cover in an alcove. From her hiding spot she was able to see down another long, perpendicular walkway. On one side, a stone and steel wall on the other side, a vast atrium, with a railing free drop off, the white pill light design descending hundreds of feet. At the end of the walk way is an open hanger door, revealing hundreds of TIE fighters parked outside.

Sapphires plan was clear, but the problem between her and the ship she wanted to steal, is a group of stormtroopers. As she tries to think about what to do next a group of stormtroopers began walking down the hall way she was hidden away in. Sapphire's mind races she peeked around the corner once more, she runs fast across the walkway and climbs down. Sapphire holds on carefully as the guards walk off not seeing her over the edge, a death drop below her. She suddenly saw something and began strenuously cross climbing to a service hatch. She opened it and climbed inside the wall closing the hatch behind her.

Phasma sits in front of a workstation Finn, Han, Chewie, Rey, and Legacy stood around her their blasters aimed. Phasma reluctantly works the controls on the workstation.

"You want me to blow that bucket off your head? Lower the shields tin man" Legacy said getting annoyed with the stormtrooper

"You're making a big mistake"

"Do It" Finn said as Chewie groaned. Phasma hit a few more buttons the controls beeping 'SHIELDS DISABLE INITIATE' came across the screen

"Han if this works we're not going to have much time to find Sapphire." Legacy whispered to her uncle. Han looked at the girl noticing her fear.

"Don't worry kid, we won't leave here without her" Han told the girl patting her on the back. The controls beeped again 'SHIELDS DISABLED' flashed across the screen

"You can't be so stupid as to think this will be easy. My troops will storm this block and kill you all" Phasma threatened

"I disagree. what do we do with her" Finn asked as he looked toward the older man

"Is there a garbage chute? Trash compactor?" Han questioned giving the boy a smug smile

"Yeah there is" Finn said nodding as a huge smile broke out on his face.

"General, their shields are down!" an officer exclaimed

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