Chapter 22

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"I'm honoured to be the only member of my family you wish to talk to." It's the first thing I hear when I take Rebekah's call

"Well, you're the only one that didn't lie to me or just established a connection to me to gain something out of it." Was my response

"For what it's worth, I didn't know anything about it and of course, I don't approve of my brothers' behaviour. Although I have to say, you shouldn't be too hard on Elijah. You know what he's like with Niklaus." she says trying to help her brother's cause

"You're their sister, that's why you're saying this. Honestly, I don't know whose betrayal hurt most. Bust most of all, I'm angry at myself for trusting them both, especially Nikalus, so easily when I knew how he was like." I confess

"You can't blame yourself for being a good person. I'm not condoning him, but he has over a thousand years old paranoia to deal with."

"I know Beks but that doesn't mean anything. That's what hurt the most actually: the fact that despite my absolute loyalty and transparency they both decided to lie to me. I mean, c' mon haven't they met me? Do I come across as someone who could have a secret agenda?"

"The worse thing is that they're going to have what they want anyway. I care about your family. Even if I decide to turn my back on them, I would still protect them because I care about you. So, as always, Niklaus gets what he wants at the expenses of others." I bitterly conclude

She doesn't say anything and I appreciate her silence. It means that she knows I'm right and she doesn't even try to defend them. I hear whispers on her and thinking that she was fighting against Klaus to not let him take the phone I hung up quickly.

"You know what Beks? Thank you for calling me and checking up on me but I think I need to be alone for a while. Please tell your brothers to stop calling and sending flowers."

Usually ice cream and a cheesy awful movie was the therapy for a broken heart. I wasn't a Nicholas Sparks kind of movie girl though, so I opted for the ice cream but chose a comedy instead. Whatever the mood, you couldn't go wrong if you chose to watch Friends. That's a scientific fact.

I guess trying to not succumb to a nervous breakdown was tiring after all because not even halfway through the episode I started to doze off. When I opened my eyes a couple of what feels like hours later, I was surprised to notice that I wasn't in my room anymore.

The room I was in was much bigger and grander. The ceiling was higher like they were in old buildings. The walls were painted white. When I get up from the sofa I was on, I see a line of white columns decorated in Corinthian style.

Walking towards them I saw that they worked as a sort of bannister, behind them there was a beautiful landscape. The place was surrounded by a wide English-style garden. that was bordered by a white fence that made me think of the one of the castle in 'Beauty and the Beast'.

Too caught up in admiring the view, I wasn't aware that someone had entered the room until they cleared their voice. Startled I turn around with a scream dying in my throat, to find myself standing before a beautiful- no scratch that- a handsome man. He had curly raven black hair, from this far I couldn't see the colour of his eyes but they seemed to be light. either light blue or green. He was tall and well built, he had a straight posture and everything about him, from the serious look he was giving me to the way he stood his ground, screamed power.

Who is this fine specimen? I couldn't help but think and maybe by the way I was checking him out he thought it was best to introduce himself.

"I'm sorry if I have frightened you. I did knock but you haven't heard, being lost in the landscape I presume." he says and if it was possible his voice was even more beautiful than his features. It doesn't help either that I have a soft spot for men with a deep and raspy voice.

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