five (5)

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Josh had finished cooking food for the both of you and you were now seated at the dining table eating.

Y/n: wow .. you are a fantastic cook Josh! I may have to get you to cook for me everyday haha

Josh: thanks ! learned from my mom

After your short little conversation, Josh did the dishes while you went and texted Maddy to come over. When you were done, you decided to go help Josh even though it was only a pan, 2 plates, 2 cups, and a few utensils.

Y/n: here, let me help you with the dishes so you'd be done faster

Josh: are you saying I'm slow? you're going to regret that little missy

As you were about to say something, Josh splashed you with water and you did the same .. it's just that you got squeezed the sponge on top of him. Josh then scooped up the bubbly soap and put it on top of your head. You then scooped up some soap as well, but before you could put it on Josh's head.. he ran away. You chased after him and y'all ran around the house, up and down the stairs for about 10 minutes. You were still chasing Josh when you bumped into someone. It was Maddy

Y/n: woah.. one question .. how'd you get in ?

Maddy: well ya see .. i knocked on the door and rang the bell a few times, but you were too busy chasing your little Prince Charming and your spare key is under your welcome mat which is kinda dumb ...

Y/n: oh .. sorry

Maddy: nahhh it's fine .. when i came in, you were laughing and all smiley and stuff and it was cute. you and josh are cute..

Y/n: speaking of josh.. where is he?

As you were about to turn around, you felt water poured all over your head. You turned around and gave Josh a death glare.

Josh: okay *laughs* okay.. sorry! *laughs* I'm sorry

Y/n: You are so lucky that Maddy is here. If not, you would regret ever coming here.

Josh: HEY! you're the one that dmed me first

Y/n: ugh! why do you have to be right.

Josh: HAHA!

Maddy: ahem! well imma let you two work things out and go dry off while i go into the kitchen. bye kiddos .. don't do anything upstairs.

Before either of you could say anything, Maddy had already walked off. You and Josh then walked up the stairs to change. You were halfway up the stairs when Josh spoke up.

Josh: so uhm.. i heard Maddy.. I'm your little Prince Charming huh? *smirks*

ugh this is super short .. but ...
i found this chapter so cute for some reason lolllllllll .. like the soap and the Prince Charming thing .. how cute. if only that could happen in real life ahaha! well that's it for chapter 5!
              BYE FRIENDS! Much Love

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