twelve (12)

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It was the morning before prom and Maddy and a few of your other close friends were at your house getting ready. Josh was in his room because he was told to specifically not come out. All the other girl's dates were at their homes as well.

In the middle of jamming to music and getting your makeup done, Maddy suddenly paused the music and got the attention of all 6 girls in the room.

Maddy: y/n .. i didn't feel like your birthday present from me was enough because you do so much for me. and so i wanted to do a little something more .. follow me

She began walking downstairs with you behind her and all the girls behind you with their phones out recording. Suddenly, there was a knock on your door. You went to open it and saw ...
You had tears coming out of your eyes because she was your best friend since preschool, but had to move because of her parents.

You hugged her so tight and let her into the house. Sending the other girls back upstairs to finish getting ready, you and Maddy caught up with avani.

AVANI: you remember Payton right ?

Y/n: Payton as in your childhood crush since day one Payton? Payton as in the one that goes to school with me and asks about you 24/7?

AVANI: yes that Payton ..

Y/n: keep going ..

AVANI: well uh .. I'm his date to yalls prom ..

Y/n & Maddy: NO WAYY

Catching up a little more, it was already 12:00 so y'all needed to finish getting ready.

All the girls finished getting ready. It was now time for all the dates to arrive for pictures.

AVANI: wait y/n .. where's your date ?

Right then and there, Josh walked out in his suit and he looked .. *wow*

Avani: JOSH?

It was like a whole meet & greet. With all your friends meeting Josh and catching up with Avani. Then all the dates coming and catching up with each other. It was just chaos, but a good chaos between the 16 of you.

Then it was picture time .. each couple took their own pictures, then a group photo. the only person that just hasn't taken photos was avani. Next thing you know, a car pulls up and out steps Payton ..

Payton and Josh are close buddies and knew each other from social media, so they were both shocked to see each other.
I've literally been so inactive, and this is just a short filler chapter. But i promise you the next chapters are going to be better with many new characters

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