Confessions Of A Poet

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I wrote about you.
I copied your name into the stars.
I drew a love letter in the sand and watched it be carried away by the waves.
I engraved a headstone with our history as the corpse.
I painted the things you used to say to me on the Mona Lisa because they are art.
I burned our initials onto a tree just to cross them out.
I carved your words into my heart so that every time it beats I can hear your stories.
I yelled the things I hated about you and they took their place in the clouds.
I became the queen and wrote you a ballad but you still found another maiden.
I went back in time to give you a scroll confessing my love, you never opened it.
In every lifetime I write you a story, a love poem, a ballad and I realize that you you don't want a writer, a poet, or a storyteller... so I wrote about you.

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