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I love you and that's the worst part

We deserve more than each other

We both know that

But love is the kind of sickness that makes you keep running back

And maybe all you will remember about me is how I never let anyone close

But all I can think about is how you smelled like honey

Maybe all I will ever be is broken

But I want you to fix me

Maybe I want us to lick each others wounds and whisper promises we know we can't keep

And perhaps we aren't clean or nice but that's boring anyways

Because I'm tired of living like this

I just want to feel again and my god does kissing you make me feel celestial

So maybe we are like vodka and cigarettes to one another but at least it numbs the pain

We are bad for each other but I'm okay with drinking poison if it tastes this sweet

We are reckless but at least we are not alone

The Boy That Never Forgot Their NameWhere stories live. Discover now