Love Or Something Like That

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It's 4:09 am and I'm smoking a cigarette on the roof of your car.
You kiss me like you're dying and perhaps you are.
Your fingers dig into every notch of my spine as if there is a secret hidden in my bones.
It's 4:32 am and it's raining now.
My hairs wet and I can feel my hands shake.
I should go.
You grab my wrist a little to tightly and tell me to stay.
It's 5:08 am and I know now that you are an aggressive lover,
All sharp angles and tight grips.
I don't know if I like that but I like you.
It's 7:06 am and I'm laying on a bed in a cheap hotel.
You have my hand lifted to your mouth and you kiss each of my fingers.
"protect this" you say.
I ask what you mean and you tell me that my hands are my strength, the words I write are my armor.
It's too early to hurt like this.
It's 2:43 pm and you tug on my hair while we kiss.
I realize how vulnerable I am with your teeth on my neck.
If you wanted you could bite down on my pulse right now and leave me bleeding.
A part of me worries you might.
It's 4:56 pm and you're watching me read while lightning crashes outside.
I feel observed and maybe that's the point.
It's 5:00 pm and you grab me by the waist and stare into my eyes.
Surprisingly, this is the most intimate we've been.
In this moment you remind me of a thief,
Slowly but surly stealing bits and pieces I'd who I am.
It's 9:45 pm and we are on a train to somewhere I forget the name of.
You are whispering in my ear and while I tell you to stop I know that I don't mean it.
The clouds part and make way for an even darker sky.
It reminds me of your heart,
Always more layers of pain to uncover.
It's 11:59 pm and we both don't know what to say anymore.

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