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Shuichis POV 

I'm... a detective... I should be questioning things such as: who's the mastermind? What is their goal? What are they planning? And, where are we?

But what I was questioning... was... The most childish of the group.

Kokichi ouma.

It had started right after Kaede Akamatsus execution. It was when I started to notice his odd behavior:

-his voice sounded like it hardens changed from when he was in elementary school

-he refuses to take off his scarf

-never told any of us about D.I.C.E really.

-he... lies... a lot...

He was strange, yeah that was what he probably wanted us too think, he was just a weird little kid who likes games. Or.. maybe he wanted us to figure him out? No... that couldn't be an option. He probably is just a childish person... but...

It still bothers me.

I didn't know why I was so obsessed with figuring him out, but it seemed he knew I was trying. The worst part... whenever I brought up one of the points I noticed, he would just change the topic, mostly too me joining D.I.C.E.


"H-hey Kokichi?" I said.

"Yes~?" he replied, grinning toothily.

"I w-wanted t-to know, why don't you take off your scarf? Is there a reason? Or is it just part of your... outfit?"

"Th...that's irrelevant to everything! Anywho~ are you ever gonna take up my offer and join DICE?"


He didn't even mind when he saw my book of mysteries of this place, most of the book surrounded him, mostly on:

-whats DICE?

-whats up with his voice; does his scarf have to do with it?

-Why... does he lie so much?

-What is he hiding?

He read it and laughed, it sounded forced, but i had put it off at the time, now.... i m worried.

"Mister detective~" a voice said, as I heard the click of my lock being picked, yet again.

"Y-yes Kokichi?" I asked.

"I'm bored! And no one wants to hang out with me! I knew you were probably busy, but when i asked Maki and Kaito, Kaito just said no, and Maki tried to kill me again!"
"W-what about Kirumi?"

"She was cooking! It smelled sooo good! Honestly!" he says, his eyes gleaming with delight.

"And everyone else?" I say, feeling kinda bad for him.

"Gonta was in his lab, and...I really don't like bugs... so that's out! Ryoma just said no, and walked away. Tenko, Himiko, Angie, and tsumugi all were hanging at the pool. Tenko almost killed me when I saw them. Uh..." he put his finger to his chin, in a sort of thoughtful way.

"Keeboy was getting matance by Miu, Miu wanted me to try an invention of hers, but~.... It ended in her being thrown across the room, just because she held the thingy majiggy wrong." he smirked.

"It was really funny! And then Kory...something. Eh." he pondered the name.

"Korekiyo?" I ask. 

"Yeah that one. Anywho~ he was doing some weird seance in his room with like... hot sauce."

"Hot sauce?" I repeated.

"Yeah! It was red, and smelled weird! Though it could have been blood...~" kokichi says, his grin contorting too a creepy face.

"B-blood?" I ask.

"That was a lie! Nee-Heehee!" he grins, his face relaxing.

"So i was your last resort?" I ask.

"Nope!" he said, popping the p.

"But you just-"

"I came to your room first silly! But.. you were sleeping! So i just went around!"

"Oh?" I said, glancing at the door.

"Sooo? Do you want to hang out with me?"

"Sure. What... it wouldn't hurt me anyway." 

Yeah I know it's short, but I like this much more than the original. Sorry for the people who liked the og. I just felt like it was to... idk I just didn't like it at all.

Anywho. 643 words!! -Acid

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