Told you so....

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Kokichi's POV.

I could say I wasn't nervous, but.... that would be a big fat lie. Shuichi, the person who probably trusted me the most was gonna see my motive. That... was really scary.

I didn't want him too ever see my motive... but here we are in his room about too click play...

Honestly after seeing Shuichis motive, I was terrified of what he would think of mine. 

"You ready?" Shuichi says, hints of nervousness in his voice.


'Kokichi Ouma, Family motive.

As many people may have thought, his past was actually more tragic than we all thought, but when it actually started being terrible is where we actually start this.

Many people would never think that Ouma actually used to always tell the truth, and he never lied! Surprising right? But that just led to trouble as at the age of 4, he found out his father was cheating on his mother, and even had proof.

The reason he was able to know what this was and how he got proof was the fact that he was taught about cheating when he was little, from his very own mother.

On January 13th XXXX, Kokichi found out his father was cheating on his mother , and told her that he was!

They divorced very quickly after that, but both sides still blamed Young Kokichi for their divorce.

As in the divorce papers, Kokichi spent every weekend at his mothers and the rest of his time at his fathers. His parents started to hate him so harshly that they resorted to abuse.

(Yes, I'm aware this is not all cases, this is just what I thought was appropriate for the story, sorry!)

About 2 years later, the woman he was cheating on Kokichi's mother on married him, and didn't know anything about the abuse from his parents.

Usually, on the holidays, they would go light on the young boy but on his 7th birthday, June 21, his father Got pissed off at him for saying it was his birthday in hopes of the abuse lightning. His father than tried too cut out his vocal cords by slashing his neck in various spots, eventually hitting it and making him unable too speak for a year. He than locked him in The closet causing Claustrophobia. He was locked in the Closet For 3 days, no food or water.

After this tragic event, Kokichi Oumas mother disappeared, and was later found dead in a bar from overdosing. After his seventh birthday, he never celebrated his birthday again, mostly due to mental and physical trauma. Along with this, he dealt with bullying at school from Kaito Momota and Many others. He went mute from the event from the trauma it caused his since

Eventually, the stepmom found out about the abuse after peaking through the door and seeing it herself.

She sadly couldn't divorce him since the man constantly threatened her and that she had no legal right over Kokichi. Leaving would mean he was left with his father.

So she stayed, learned sign language to communicate with Kokichi, and patched him up after school from bullies and his father.

After a bit, she tried saving up money to move away and take Kokichi with her, but... his father would always just take money and spend it on some expensive thing.

They both were trapped.

Kokichi Than entered High school, still dealing with everything he was before, when he started DICE, an organization that helped kids with bullying and abuse. But it was originally named K.F.A.A (kids fight against abuse.) eventually, Kokichi's stepmother actually helped the organization so much, that she was basically the leader. But his father broke, he knew his stepmother named Diana iris capello. That's where the DIC comes from. But her one hobby was DND, and she collected DICE. So they named DICE after her.

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