Counting down the hours

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 1 Hour in! Kokichi's POV

I could tell specific people were stressed. Me, Shuichi, Kaito, and Maki.

I couldn't blame Kaito, he must have seen what he did to me. Maki was a given, i mean she is hiding her actual talent. Honestly, Ultimate Child caregiver? It's would be believable except for the fact she had such a cold exterior too everyone. And then... theres Shuichi, that thing about his parents and such. I can't say I'm not curious... but I don't want to invade that much.

"Kokichi, you've looked upset since you saw your video, you ok?" Mom says while we clean the dishes.

"Yea! Just didn't want to think about my past." I say, being truthful. I can trust mom, right?

"Hm? What was so bad? Would you like to talk about it?" She asks.

"Nah! It's fine mom! What about yours? Show anything new?"

"No. Sadly it's all the same that I remember. No new evedance of how we got here." She says, a smile crossed her lips.

"Want me to do The plates?" I ask, she nods, placing a bowl in the cabinet.

I carefully take the plates out of the dishwasher and place it in the cabinet next to the bowls, we stayed silent, Kirumi seemed off today, but I didn't question it though.

"Hey mom? I was wo- Agh!" I yelp turning around and seeing her holding a knife to my back. "M-mom?! Are you.. gonna kill me?!" I say, my eyes darting around the room. She looked at me with a grin, a crazy look in her eyes that highly reminded me of my late moms.

"Ahem, no. I'm very sorry Kokichi, I let my emotions get the better of me, I almost hurt you, and for that I am so very sorry. Can you forgive me?" She says, her expression changing to her usual kind self.

"...I'm.. going back to my room for a bit, can you Finnish ny yourself?" I huff, my heart still speeding.

"Yes. Again, it was a mistake. I apologize greatly." She says, placing the knife into the drawer, an apologetic frown on her face.

"I'm... gonna leave, See ya later m- Kirumi." I mutter. She seems sadened by me not calling her mom.

I walk out of the kitchen, I still was nervous. "Hey Kokichi? I herd you yell, are you ok?" Somone asks, it was Shuichi.

"Yeah! Just... cut my finger! I promise!" I say.

"Oh! Want help bandaging it?"

"No! I mean... no, I'm good! You ok from the motive?" I question, dropping the subject.

"You changed the subject quickly..." he says, eyeing my hands.

"Anyway, as I was saying? You ok from the motive?" I ask, placing my hands behind my head.

"You said you hurt your finger Kokichi.... but where? I analysed your hands and saw nothing. So? Your lying about it, so what happened?"

He's to smart for his own good. "Uh-we'll... I have to go! See ya shuami!" I say, running twords the door, but before I left he grasped my arm, stoping me in my tracks.

"I know you're backstory is tragic Kokichi. I remember you from my past story, and i remember helping you at times, it didn't say alot, but it mentioned your scarf, i don't want too force you b-but.." he says.

"I.... I-I have too go!" I yelp, shoving him back and running out the door. I hear him fall too the floor, I immediately felt bad. He just wanted too help me, but of course I just shoved him away... like usual....

Scars define us (Kokichi X Shuichi)Where stories live. Discover now