Shuichis story

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Shuichi's POV

I had offered to go first, not because I wanted to get over it, but to help kokichi. He was shaking, his words all stuttered, he was a mess. He obviously didn't want me to see him like this so he kept hiding in his scarf, but to no prevail, didn't hide from the world.

"You ready?" i say, placing my hand on his shoulder. He silantly nodded, looking slightly dazed, he looked like the world wasnt a reality anymore, like it was fake... but sadly... it was all real.

'Shuichi Saihara, Family motive.

Shuichi Saihara was born to two great parents, one as a docter, his mother. And one as a Adventuar. They were happy for about 5 years of his life before tragety struck. Both his parents died in a car acsadent, sending Shuichi too his uncle soon after.

Shuichi was a star student even as a young child, never getting less than 100 on anything. He was a perfect student.

But, as you can tell, he wasnt all perfect. See even as a young child, he did see his parents die first hand, so soon, he mannaged too fall in love with the show XXXXXXXXXX, a game where there are  ## students who have to kill each other to get out, basicly what he's in now. 

Eventually he got to high school, living as a XXXXXXXXXX fanatic, and... a perv. 

Yes, our perfect dectective was the biggest perv in the group, even more than Miu herself. See he was obsessed with a specific somone, that somone being: Kokichi Ouma. He fell in love with the smaller male, appsolutly  obsessing over him and stalking him to the point where he knew more about Kokichi than Kokichi himself. 

Kokichi on multiple  ocastions was kidnapped by Shuichi, Shuichi tourturing  him when he managed to catch him. It usally ended in cuts filling oumas arms, mostly from the sadist. But Kokichi never knew it was him, he thought it was someone else, since he was always blindfolded. 

Than he joined the group made by Kokichi, since his uncle abused Shuichi, not knowing his sadistic ways. It was from hatred and school reasons. For a bit, it was calm, Kokichi not being kidnapped the entire time. But sadly Kokichi still struggles with bullies and depression, attempting suicide 3 times while Shuichi was in the group, Shuichi saving him every time. The third time he did manage to hang himself, but Shuichi saved him just in time! 

That's basically it. Rest is boring, anyway: this is the past of the biggest perv! Whatcha think?' And the video stoped. 

I turn to face Kokichi, he was trembling, his eyes darting around. "Kokichi... I'm so so sorry..." I say, placing my hand on his shoulder. 

"Don't.... don't touch me." He breaths. Shaking desperately, he tries to steady himself but fails. "Let's just start it."

Sup. So I'm sorry that it took a while, been... lazy. XD I will get the next chapter out tonight promise!! Btw, when it's X in this, it means that it glitched. Sorry it's short... Sorry again!! 521 words!- acid 💚

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