Motive switch

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Kokichis POV

"You....What?!" i yelp, My eyes wide as i stopped in my tracks, we were in the middle of the court yard.

"What's wrong?" he Yelps, turning around to look at me.

"You're that kid?" I cry, my grip on the motive tightening.

"Wait, you're him?"

"Well duh! Of course I am! You think there's any gangs similar to mine in Tokyo?" I ask. "Think they were all arrested by a Detective who lied in court? Think there's anyone like me?" I say, Spreading my arms.

"Kokichi. Stop, just calm down ok? I'm so sorry..."

"Don't be. It's my fault for acting out. Sorry. Anyway... if you're him, then... Prove it! Show me you're not a fake!"


"Please?'' I say dropping my arms. "And don't lie... please."

"I saved you from suicide 3 times. FIrst time being you were gonna jump, the second time you stabbed yourself and I brought you to the hospital and saved you, the third time you hung yourself and I walked in as you kicked the chair. I talked to you and said 'You're not alone, we can get through this together, ok? Just promise you won't attempt again.' and you didn't. The next day everyone was arrested. Proof enough?" he asks.

"Let's just head to the gym.'' I say, not answering his question. He was right, straight too a t. Every word that he said to me on that day he recited perfectly, he knew it all, he was that kid. He was my second in command for a while. Yeah i had thought he was, that's why i truly wanted him to join, he reminded me of him. I thought he would join and it would be like it always was, but no. he was the actual real thing. Of course the one time I had caught feelings, breaking my Asexuallity, destroying my hatred for love was this guy, and of course.... He had to be in the same killing game as me.

Shuichi's POV

All I could think about was... did I mess up in bringing my past up? Bring him up? But of course, I had to figure out that kokichi was the kid that saved me... and in return I saved him.

Now i was starting to figure out a lot of things about him, just from that minor conformation, i knew some of the mysteries i had on my board:

-why he never wore his sleeves up even on hot days here

-why he was so light

-why he never ate.

All were things that the Pregame Kokichi had told me.

He had cut himself so many times...

He had a problem with eating since his dad never fed him

He never ate because of an eating disorder coming from his past. He never could get over it, he never could fight it even with help from doctors and others. I remember what his major fear was. I remember a lot of things, but not about the scarf and his voice.

That was something he never trusted me with. He had told me he would tell me the reason eventually, but.... they were arrested and he disappeared. Then, here we are, and he probably remembered some of the things from school, yeah, I was a perv before apparently.

I had no clue about my past before the video, but some people must have, such as Kokichi. It probably was some reason for... whatever monokuma wanted. Maybe more had their pasts before this to? Maki probably, since she remembers about her orphanage. Honestly I only remembered my parents' deaths and my uncles... abuse. I remembered small other parts of mine.

I walked nervously towards the gym, Kokichi leading the way, his body trembling slightly. He seemed too try to hide his fear, at multiple points he held his arms crossed over his chest.

We walked into the gym, he raised his head, immediately announcing his presence. "I have arrived! what, has this party been waiting for me?" He smiles brightly.

"If we could have started this motive thing without you, we would have. Or just not at all you little abortion."

"You're so mean Miu! wahhhhhhhhh!!" I says, alligator tears streaming down his face.

"Oh shush. Let's just get this over with." Maki says darkly.

"Oooooooooh~ Someone doesn't want people to see their video~" he teased. His hands behind his head.

"Do you want to die?" She glares over at Kokichi.

"Hmmm....i'll consider your offer! Good luck taking down the ultimate Supreme leader!" he Says, looking at Maki with a dead serious look.

"Geez! Everyone calm down! Finally you're here! Took ya long enough!" I hear monokuma state with a huff. I turn to see the black and white bear with his... children.

"Well? Everyones here, what do you want us to do?" Kirumi says, shifting nervously.

"Here's how it's gonna go, I'm gonna pick a name out of this hat, than another name. Those people will have to trade videos!"

"What's the point of showing our pasts too each other? It's stupid!" Kokichi says confidently.

"Well, it was mostly to make people who want to keep their past selves secret, kill someone else! But it didn't work obviously, so now... this is the punishment!" monokuma cried. "And, as you can tell, some people did know their pasts or some of their pasts before, mostly because... it fills them with despair!" he cackled. "And remember. You must watch the motive together, watch the dispair on their faces!"

Kokichi groned. "Can you just do this already? I'm booorrreeeddd!" he crossed his arms in annoyance.

"I'm getting too that!" monokuma says, Glaring down at him.

"Yeah! Leave pops alone!" Monotaro says. Looking annoyed.

"Anywho, the pairing will be....

Angie and Korekiyo

Kirumi and Ryoma

Tenko and Himiko

Miu and K1-B0

Maki and Kaito

Gonta and Tsumugi

And finally Kokichi and Shuichi." He grinned evilly as he picked the last pair. "Now go and trade your motives with your partner. And do not try too not watch it or trade it, i'll know!" he says, sinking down and disappearing.

"Well Shoot. I was kinda hoping for... not you. No offence." kokichi says walking over cautiously. "i ... don't really want too see you're face when you see it, so.... Just take it." he Huffs, placing his motive in my hand.

"I wish i could, but monokuma wants us too see each others reactions... Sorry...." i say, looking apologeticly at him.

"Oh. I wasnt really listening too him anyway." he says, his voice slightly quivering. I reach out with my motive and place it in his hand. 

"Let's just.. go to my room, ok? We can watch them there ok?" I say, feeling the tension between us. I could tell how personal the video was, it was everything that he had been through.. and he was being forced to put it to someone, that someone being me.

"..yeah sure." He says hesitantly following me to the door and walking the our dorms, he shivered slightly upon entering, and walked over to my bed, sitting on the edge. He adjusted his scarf, probably out of instinct, and nervously fiddled with his fingers. 

"Alright,  lets get this started." I say, as I press play I  my motive.


Ok hi. Sorry it took so long, school and all is a lot right now. Anyway, I have break next week so I can write a lot more! 

Anyway, do you guys want to see shuichis? Just a question. Anyway, hope you enjoyed! Byeeeeee!!-Acid💚 

1258 words!

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