Chapter 2: Infestation

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Turlandb: Jesus!

SmeshBras123: How many of these damn minions are there?!

Machito kills a few Zombies.

Machito: These things are becoming a big pain in the ass!

Jen: These Titans... Oof...

Infinite: Even I'm gonna admit, I might have a hard time with these giants.

G.O.L. Crystal: Turlandb, how will we know which Titans to go after first?

Turlandb: Well, the Titans are separated in four categories. Lesser, Average. Greater, and God.

Comet: So obviously, we should go after these Lesser Titans first.

Turlandb: Right. The Lesser Titans are the weakest Titans. They have nothing special that defines their power besides their size, but they still pack a huge and powerful punch. They have a good amount of armor and slow regenerative abilities.

Gabriel: *Head shrinks*

Cristina: Whoa...

Machiette: Uh, oh..

Emily shakes, as Laura hugs her.

M96 Tari: These are the weakest Titans... And they sound like a huge challenge!

Turlandb: Mmhmm.

Luna: Who are the Lesser Titans?

Turlandb: They would be the Omegafish, Mighty-Mite, Slime Titan, Cave Spider Titan, Magma Cube Titan, and the Spider Titan. The Omegafish is the weakest Lesser Titan, and all Titans in general, and the Spider Titan is the strongest Lesser Titan.

Infinite: We'll just have to make our way up. Slowly, but surely.

Turlandb: Indeed.

Blizzard: How will we know if a Titan is nearby?

Turlandb: Usually by their minions. Their minions tend to be in a huge swarm if their Titan master is nearby.

Silverfish suddenly come out of the ground, and attack the heroes.

Gabriel: Hey!

Trevor: Silverfish?!

Deathwind: Wot de fuq is dis shet?

Raiko: Whoa! Whoa!

Clark: Get off me!

Lucy: OUCH! One bit me!

Sapphire: Get off, get off, get off, get off!

Turlandb: Uh, oh... He's near...

SmeshBras123: One of the Titans?

Turlandb: The Omegafish. The Silverfish Titan.

Nick: Ah, fuck.

Emily: *Shakes* Oh, no...

The ground suddenly starts shaking.

Machito: Whoawhoawhoa, what's going on?!

Turlandb: It's the Omegafish!


A massive Silverfish comes out of the ground below Infinite, and sends him flying through multiple buildings.

G.O.L. Crystal: HONEY!!!

Comet/Luna: DAD!!!

Turlandb: Omegafish!

SmeshBras123: Holy shit!


Omegafish: Hmph! Stupid-ass Jackal!

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