Chapter 11: Underwater Territory

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The heroes decide to take a break for a little while.

Blizzard: This has been some war.

Risky Boots: You're telling me.

Machito: It ain't over until it's over.

Laura: We've already killed over half of the Titans. It shouldn't last too much longer.

Turlandb: Don't get too confident. They're only getting stronger.

Infinite: But they will be defeated by the Multiversal Heroes!

Antasma: Fuck yeah!

The sky suddenly darkens a little.

SmeshBras123: What the...?

AngryAlto: What's happening?

Turlandb: Uh, oh... He's gonna speak...

(Y/N): Who?

Turlandb: God Titan...

Thunder is heard.

G.O.L. Crystal: Oof...

God Titan's voice is heard.

God Titan: Heroes...

DeiselBoi18: Whoa...

Cristina: That voice is scary...

Emily: Eep!

God Titan: You heroes... Killed over half of my Titans.

Antasma: Skreep...

God Titan: I'm getting tired of you all going further and further. I suggest giving up now, before it's too late.

Machito: In your dreams! We're not gonna stop!

SmeshBras123: Yeah! We're gonna kill the rest of the Titans, and stop you from escaping!

Turlandb: And I will make sure you STAY imprisoned!

God Titan: *Chuckle* You really think so? Keep thinking that. I'm getting closer and closer to my escape. Soon, I will get out of here, and take the Multiverse for the Titans!

God Titan's voice disappears, and the sky turns back to normal.

Infinite: Well, that was something.

Turlandb: Grrr!

Inkura: He sounds so serious...

SmeshBras123: I don't think he's breaking out of there.

Turlandb: Don't underestimate him... He's got abilities you wouldn't even begin to imagine.

Blizzard: How did you manage to trap him in that prison with the other Titans?

Upon hearing that question, Turlandb gets another flashback.

Turlandb: Oof...

Turlandb sits down on a nearby bench.

G.O.I. Jen: Probably best not to bring that up.

Blizzard: Well, I don't think it will get better if Turco doesn't tell us how he did it.

Turlandb's flashbacks get worse.

Turlandb: Agh...

Laura: Blizzard--

Blizzard: If something's not done, then that God Titan will escape, and it will be because Turco never told us how he got there in the first place. If Turco doesn't tell us how he got that God Titan trapped there, then we may not know how to stop him if he escapes.

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