Chapter 22: Super Emily's Wrath

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Witherzilla roars loudly.

Witherzilla: You won't kill me! I am INVINCIBLE!!!

Super Emily yells in anger.

Super Emily: I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!

Super Emily flies at Witherzilla.

Witherzilla: HA!

Witherzilla glows orange, and breathes fire out of all three if his heads at Super Emily. The young Star Child suddenly disappears.

Witherzilla: Huh?!

Super Emily reappears with her Star Hammer, and starts hitting Witherzilla repeatedly at light speed.

Witherzilla: OH!

The three MUI gods fly at Witherzilla and help Super Emily. The two goddesses also help, as Laura and Hyper Nick start attacking Witherzilla.

Witherzilla: Dammit!

Fire AngryAlto and Inferno start throwing giant fireballs at Witherzilla, as Water DeiselBoi18 throws giant Water Shurikens at Witherzilla.

Witherzilla: ARGH!

Cristina starts shooting fire and lightning at Witherzilla, as Luna turns into the Warrior of Hope, and flies at Witherzilla and starts slashing at him with her sword. SLG4 and Super ReaderFromWR charge at Witherzilla and start slashing at him with their swords. Antasky flies at Witherzilla and starts slashing him with their Lightsabers, as Angelina claws at Witherzilla. You, Lost, and Blackfang charge at Witherzilla and start attacking him. AI Blizzard summons his ice weapons and starts attacking Witherzilla, as Silvally turns into the Poison type and uses Poison type attacks on Witherzilla.

Witherzilla: GAH!!!

Super Emily: TAKE THAT!!!

Witherzilla roars, and the heroes get sent flying backwards.

MUI SmeshBras123: AGH!

MUI Infinite: DAMMIT!

Super Emily: OWIE!

Laura: GAH!

G.O.I. Jenonetta: CRAP!

Witherzilla: I... CANNOT LOSE!!!

Witherzilla fires a huge machine gun barrage of Wither Skulls and giant Wither Skulls at the heroes.

Hyper (Y/N): HORI SHIATO!!!

Laura surrounds the heroes with Grand Stars and shields them.

Witherzilla: FAK YOU!!!

All of the Grand Stars fly into the sky and fire beams of light at Witherzilla.

Witherzilla: AGH!

Witherzilla starts feeling tired.

Witherzilla: *Thoughts: No...! I can't get tired! Not now!*

Laura: Someone feeling tired?!

Witherzilla: W-what...?  N-no!


MUI SmeshBras123: I smell BULLSHET!

Witherzilla roars.

Witherzilla: SHUT UP!!!

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