Chapter 7: Sticky Madness

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G.O.I. Jen: We don't have to deal with that massive Magma Cube anymore!

Turlandb: Indeed. There's still one Lesser Titan left, then we'll go after the Average Titans!

Infinite: Who's the final Lesser Titan?

Turlandb: That would be Spider Titan. He's the strongest Lesser Titan.

SmeshBras123: How similar is he to that Cave Spider Titan?

Turlandb: Pretty similar. Spider Titan has the exact same abilities as Cave Spider Titan, but with a couple of differences.

Blizzard: What's different?

Turlandb: One, Spider Titan doesn't have poison. Two, Spider Titan is MUCH stronger than Cave Spider Titan.

Cristina: Oh, man.

Mario/MXR Mario: *Derp eyes* Oooooooh, very scary!

SB123 Mario: *Derp eyes* Shit.

M96 Tari: This might be tough.

SB123 Clauds: Yup.

Clauds: We'll kill him!

Metro: He won't live much longer!

Turlandb: Don't underestimate this Titan.

Spiders some out of nowhere and crawl towards the heroes.

Nick: We got Spiders!

SB123 Meggy: Uh, oh...

Emily kicks a Spider away.

Emily: Eww, get away from me!

Inkura: Guys?

Turlandb: Hmm?

Alex Spider: What?

Inkura points at a building, as the heroes see a massive Spider climbing the building.

SmeshBras123: Uh, oh.

Turlandb: It's Spider Titan.

Spider Titan looks at the heroes.

Machito: And we've been spotted.

Spider Titan jumps off the building, and lands on the ground in front of the heroes.

Emily: WHOA!

Antasma: HOLY SHIT!

SmeshBras123: DAS A HUGE BITCH!

Turlandb isn't even phased.

Turlandb: Spider Titan.

Spider Titan: Turlandb... We meet again.

Turlandb: Indeed.

Spider Titan: I see you have brought friends with you to kill us.

Turlandb: Yes, I have. And this I'm gonna make sure you stay dead.

Spider Titan: Keep thinking that. We'll just keep coming back again, and again.

Turlandb: Grr...

Spider Titan: And it's about time I found you all. I'm gonna make you all pay for killing my best friend and brother, Cave Spider Titan.

MXR Mario points at Luna.

MXR Mario: Luna killed him.

Infinite/G.O.L. Crystal/Luna: MARIO!!!

MXR Mario: Wot?

Spider Titan looks at Luna.

Spider Titan: So you killed him? Now I know who I should kill first.

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