Chapter 23: Ender Apocalypse

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It's 2:00 A.M., and the celebration party is still going. Turlandb, Infinite, SmeshBras123, and Cristina are outside talking about the Titans.

Turlandb: Finally... The Titans... Are gone...

SmeshBras123: Indeed, Turco.

Infinite looks at the Power Star that has the egg in it.

Infinite: Hey, Turco.

Turlandb: What's up?

Infinite: I know a better place for this egg.

Turlandb: Oh, really? Where?

Infinite: The Unknown. Witherzilla will never escape from there. That place nullifies anyone's power.

Cristina: That sounds like a good idea!

Turlandb: Let's do it!

Turlandb takes the egg out of the Power Star and gives it to Infinite. Infinite's eyes turn dark as the egg starts spinning rapidly, then disappears. Infinite's eyes go back to normal.

Infinite: It is done.

SmeshBras123: Awesome!

Turlandb: The Titans are gone forever!

Cristina: Woohoo!

The Bobs come outside.

Bob: Yo, AsSwIpEs! ThE pArTy Is StIlL gOiNg!

SB123 Bob: YeAh!

MXR Bob: It'S nOt A fUlL pArTy WiThOuT yOu GuYs!

M96 Bob: CoMe On!

Turlandb: Alright!

Infinite: We're coming!

All Bobs: YeAh, BoI! yEaH bOi!

Turlandb, Infinite, SmeshBras123, and Cristina come back into the castle.

Bob: ThEy'Re BaCk!

Machito: Awesome!

(Y/N): Let's get this party started!

All Marios: Yahoo!

Blizzard: *Thoughts: Why am I even here?*

Silvally: *Grunts*

Emily: Woohoo!

Emily summons a Grand Star.

Emily: Yay!

Laura: Sweetheart... You unlocked your Star Powers!

Emily: *Giggle*

Laura: Now you just need to unlock your Star Power form.

Emily: Ooooooooooooooh!

Something suddenly explodes outside.

Turlandb: WHOA!

Antasma: Vhat the hell was that?

Risky Boots: I don't know...

ReaderFromWR: Let's go find out.

Everyone goes outside, and they look around, but everything seems normal.

SmeshBras123: That's weird...

Crystal: Everything still looks normal...

Comet: Hmm...

Deathwind: Suspicious...

Jen looks up.

Jen: Uhhhhhh... Guys?!

Angelina: Huh?

Machito: What?

Turlandb: What us it, sweetheart?

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