Chapter 15: Sea God's Wrath

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SmeshBras123: We still got three Greater Titans left?

Turlandb: Yup, and they're getting even stronger.

Infinite: Who's next?

Turlandb: The Ancient Titanic Guardian.

Blizzard: Oh, boy...

Cristina: Another giant Guardian...

Turlandb: Titanic Guardian was a massive Guardian. Ancient Titanic Guardian is a massive Elder Guardian.

Machito: Aw, snap...

Turlandb: Ancient Titanic Guardian the TRUE God of the Sea. All Guardians and Elder Guardians pray to this god and follow its rules for their entire lives. If we so much as step into the water, or threaten a Guardian or Elder Guaridan, Ancient Titanic Guardian will be on our asses.

Antasma: Vait... Are you saying that we could've ran into that Titan while we were fighting the Titanic Guardian?

Turlandb: Yup. That's why I wanted us to get out after we killed him.

SmeshBras123: That makes more sense, now.

(Y/N): We're going underwater again?

Turlandb: Yup. And this time, I want all of us to go underwater.

Alex Spider: How?

Violet Inkling: We can't swim.

Turlandb: Yeah, you can.

Turlandb showers Alex Spider, Inkura, and Violet Inkling with light.

Alex Spider: Whoa!

Inkura: What's happening?!

Violet Inkling: This feels nice...

The light subsides.

Turlandb: There. Now you three can swim, and breathe underwater. This effect lasts forever.

Violet Inkling: Awesome!

Alex Spider: Hell yeah!

Inkura: Sweet!

DeiselBoi18: We better hurry, Turco. The ocean isn't gonna save itself.

Turlandb: You're right. Let's go!

The heroes run to the edge of the city, and find the ocean.

Laura: Time to go back in.

G.O.I. Jen: Here we go.

Turlandb: And this time, we want to attract the Ancient Titanic Guardian.

ReaderFromWR: Wait. What about his abilities?

Turlandb: Right. His abilities are, Tail Slam, Spell Cast, Telsa Blast, Laser Beam, Headbutt, and Body Spikes.

Infinite: We're in for one hell of a fight again.

Turlandb: And he can sumkon both Guardians, and Elder Guardians as his minions.

SB123 Mario: Crap!

AngryAlto: You guys will still have to go without us.

Inferno: Yeah. We can't do water.

Turlandb: Dammit!

Infinite: Well, shit.

Inferno: Don't worry about us. We'll wait for you up here.

Infinite: Okay, then.

Turlandb: We'll need help again.

Turlandb snaps his fingers, and the Blue Elemental Star comes out of the water.

SmeshBras123: Right. The Elemental Star.

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