Epilogue 4/4: Years Following

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(Ten years after the The Attack of the Titans...)

It's the ten year anniversary of when the Titan war ended. Emily and Laura are sparring.

Emily: Phew...

Laura: I really like how your strong your Star Powers have become, Emily! I'm proud of you!

Emily: Thanks, Mom! Also...

Laura: Hmm?

Emily: Mom... I'm challenging you!

Laura: Oh?

This gets the attention of everyone.

Turlandb: Hmm?

Jen: Oh?

Infinite: Oh, boy.

Raiko: Ohhhh?

Luna: This sounds cool!

Comet: Indeed!

Crystal: Emily versus Laura!

Smesh: Heh heh!

Nick: Ohoho!

Cristina: This is gonna be cool!

Turlandb: Reminds me when Laura challenged me!

Laura: Well, sweetheart... Are you absolutely sure you wanna do this?

Emily: I am POSITIVE! I wanna see if I became stronger than you!

Laura: Well... Then your challenge...

Starbits circle Laura's wrists.

Laura: Is accepted!

Emily: YES!

Starbits circle Emily's wrists.

Emily: Let's go!

Infinite: Hold on to your seats! LET'S ROCK!

Emily teleports in front of Laura and starts hitting her with Power Stars.

Laura: Oof...!

Laura catches one of the Power Stars and throws it back at Emily.

Emily: Oof!

Laura runs at Emily at light speed and starts overwhelming her.

Emily: OOF! AGH! EEP!

Turlandb: Heh heh! This battle is already rough!

Jen: Yep!

Turlandb: Well, I'm gonna take a walk through the city while they do this.

Jen: Okay! Lemme go with you!

Jen turns into a Squid and jumps on Turlandb's shoulders.

Turlandb: Whoa! *Laughs*

Jen: *Giggle*

Turlandb starts to walk through the city with Jen on his shoulders.

Turlandb: *Exhales* Wow...

Jen: Thinking about what happened?

Turlandb: Yep... Holy shit... They were strong...

Jen: They were, but we were stronger! We managed to kill them once and for all!

Turlandb: Damn right!

Jen: And... Can I ask you something? It's about Executor Dragon...

Turlandb: Oof... Yeah, sure. What's up?

Jen: How did you and him know each other. He sounded super pissed when he remembered you.

Turlandb: Oof... Well, this was back when I was a teenager, and I was in the Star Shrine with an Enderdragon I managed to capture.

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