Epilogue 1/4: Aftermath...

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As the Multiversal Heroes make their way back to the castle, they see that the whole city had been destroyed.

Turlandb: Damn...

Jen: The whole city got destroyed...

Infinite: I hope everyone is okay...

SmeshBras123: Let's make sure.

The Multiversal Heroes split up and walk around the city. Inside one of the destroyed large buildings was a trapdoor.

Turlandb: You think there's people inside here?

Infinite: Only one way to find out.

Infinite slowly opens the trapdoor, revealing a scared family of Inklings.

Male Inkling: I-Is it o-over...?

Female Inkling: P-please let it be over...

Female child Inkling: Mommy, I'm scared...!

Turlandb: You don't need to worry, anymore...

Infinite: It's over... The Titans are gone...

Female child Inkling: R-really...?

Turlandb: Yes... They are truly gone...

The family climbs out of the trapdoor and sees the destruction.

Female Inkling: Whoa...

Infinite: You guys should probably find another place to live... The city is in no shape.

Male Inkling: Yeah... We'll go to Inkopolis...

The Inkling family starts walking towards Inkopolis.

Turlandb: Let's look for more.

Infinite nods, as he and Turlandb look for more civilians. Cristina climbs over a large piece of steel, as SmeshBras123 helps Cristina over it.

Cristina: Jesus...

SmeshBras123: There's a LOT of destruction everywhere...

Cristina: Executor Dragon really did a number...

The couple hears someone underneath a pile of rubble.

Citizen: Hello?! Anyone there?!

SmeshBras123: Huh? Are you okay?

Civilian: My leg is pinned under a heavy piece of metal, and I'm running out of air!

Cristina: Oh, no!

SmeshBras123: Hang on! I'll get you out!

SmeshBras123 starts using hi godlike strength to throw the debris off of the citizen.

Civilian: Help! Mah leg!

SmeshBras123 lifts the heavy piece of metal off of the citizen.

Civilian: Phew!

Cristina: You okay?

Civilian: I'm fine... Thank you...

SmeshBras123: No problem.

Comet pushes a piece of debris out of the way and frees a family.

Family: Thank you!

Luna: You're welcome!

Antasma slices a cage open with his lightsaber.

Male: Sweet... We're free!

Female: Thank you!

Antasma: No problem. Skreeheeheehee!

SB123 Mario and SB123 Meggy look for civilians.

SB123 Meggy: I hope we can find someone...

SB123 Mario: Me too...

They suddenly hear a child's voice.

Child: Hello...?

SB123 Mario: Wait... Was that...?

SB123 Meggy: A child?!

Child: Anyone there? Help!

SB123 Mario listens.

SB123 Mario: He's under here!

SB123 Mario and SB123 Meggy run to where the child is, and start pushing the heavy piece of debris away. SB123 Mario pushes it out of the way, as SB123 Meggy pulls the child out.

Child: Thankyouthankyouthankyou!

The child hugs SB123 Meggy, as she hugs back.

SB123 Mario: Do you know where your family is?

Child: I... *Sheds a tear* Got separated from them...

SB123 Meggy: Oh, no!

SB123 Mario: We better find them!

The couple helps the child look for his family.

Emily: Anyone here?!

Emily throws a boulder away, revealing X and FM.

X: Oh, thank god!

FM: They found us!

Laura and Nick pull X and FM out of the debris.

FM: Phew!

Nick: You guys okay?

X: Yeah... We're fine...

Crystal and Jen lift a giant tree off of a family.

Female: Hooray!

Children: Thank you!

Jen: *Giggle*

Crystal: You're welcome!

Splendid uses his cybernetic arm to pull a giant piece of metal.

Splendid: You okay?

Mario recolor: Thank you...

Phoenix flies down from a building holding a civilian.

Civilian: Phew... Thanks...

Phoenix: You're welcome.

The rest of the Multiversal Heroes find survivors and rescue them, then regroup.

Turlandb: Did we rescue everyone?

Infinite: Yup.

SmeshBras123: Mmhmm.

Antasma: Ve got 'em.

Jen: Now... We must celebrate our victory!

Multiversal Heroes: HELL YEAH!

The Multiversal Heroes go to the castle. Laura stops next to Turlandb and Jen.

Laura: *Whispers* Mom? Dad?

Turlandb: *Whispers* Hmm?

Jen: *Whispers* What is it, sweetheart?

Laura: *Whispers* Do we still have Emily's birthday party all planned out?

Turlandb: *Whispers* Don't worry... We haven't forgotten. *Wink*

Jen: *Whispers* We have it all planned out. *Wink*

Laura: *Whispers* Cool!

(Well... The civilians are okay. Now to get on with Emily's birthday party! Anyways, see you later!)

I'm sorry for the short chapter, but I NEED to get this story done. Regardless, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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