Chapter 3: Mites

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Turlandb: Omegafish is dead!

Blizzard: That battle took long enough!

Nick: Indeed.

SmeshBras123 notices someone missing.

SmeshBras123: Hey, whatever happened to Gabriel?

Turlandb: He told me something about his universe being invaded, and he had to go defend it. We won't see him throughout this war again.

Machito: Oh.

Infinite: Who is our next target?

Turlandb: We should go after the Mighty-Mite next.

Machito: What does the Mighty-Mite look like?

Turlandb: The Mighty-Mite is a massive Endermite.

SmeshBras123: Endermite?

Cristina: Well, his minions are gonna be just as annoying as the Silverfish.

Turlandb: Not to mention the Mighty-Mite can teleport around, and can even teleport us around. And he can shoot a laser from his eye.

Cristina: What?!

Blizzard: Seriously?!

Infinite starts punching himself in the face.

Turlandb: Yeah...

G.O.L. Crystal: These Titans seem to have no limit to their power.

Clauds: Damn...

Turlandb: Well, keep an eye out. The Mighty-Mite has the same exact abilities as Omegafish, except Mighty-Mite can teleport us and himself around.

Comet: I guess we should keep a lookout for Endermites.

Machiette feels something bite her leg.

Machiette: OUCH!

Comet: Machiette?!

Machiette looks down, and sees an Endermite trying to bite her again.

Machiette: Hey!

Comet kicks the Endermite away.

Comet: There we go.

Machiette: Owie...

Comet: Are you okay?

Machiette: I'm fine.

Comet: Thank God.

Endermites start coming out of the ground.

SmeshBras123: Whoa!

Deathwind: They're everywhere!

Turlandb: Mighty-Mite's nearby.

Inferno: Is he gonna come out of the ground like Omegafish did?

Turlandb: Whatever the case may be, be ready everyone.

A red laser comes out of nowhere, and hits Deathwind and Sapphire, sending them into a building.

SmeshBras123: Oh, shit!

Infinite: Mom! Dad!

???: Well, that was awesome.

Machito: Huh?!

M96 Clauds: Who said that?!

Clauds: Show yourself!

???: Ah, might as well.

A massive Endermite appears in front of the heroes.

Sonic: WHOA!


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