Chapter 16: Ender Power

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Antasma: Only two Greater Titans left!

Infinite: Then it's sweet victory for us!

Turlandb: Don't get too confident. There's still a chance the God Titan could escape.

SmeshBras123: Right...

Laura: I hope he stays there...

Turlandb: Me too, Laura... Me too.

Machito: Anyways, who's the next Greater Titan?

Turlandb: The second strongest... Ender Colossus.

Infinite: Oof...

ReaderFromWR: The name alone sounds scary.

Blizzard: No shit.

Turlandb: Ender Colossus is the true Ender god. His abilities can really fuck you up. He's got horns on his head.

Angelina: Do I wanna know his abilities...?

Turlandb: It's best if you do. You'll know ow to avoid that ability if you know what they are.

Antasma: Vhat are they?

Turlandb: Ground Smash, Ground Punch, Downward Slash, Stomp Attack, Scream, Eye Lasers, Lightning Ball, Gamma-Lightning Shot, and Mind Crush.

SmeshBras123: Jesus!

Blizzard: Mind crush?

Turlandb: If he uses that, then he can drive us to insanity.

Blackfang: Oh, my God.

Violet Inkling: I don't wanna experience that.

SLG4: Me neither.

Turlandb: It gets even worse... He can summon a Dragonball that releases an Enderdragon.

ReaderFromWR: NANI?!

Infinite: An Enderdragon?!

Turlandb: Yeah. His minions are Endermen, Endermites, and on rare occasions, Enderdragons. The Endermen don't need to be looked at to be provoked, either. They'll attack when their Titan master gives the command.

SB123 Meggy: Well, he's gonna be one hell of a challenge.

Turlandb: And, adding insult to injury, water doesn't hurt him.

Lost: WHAT?!

Cristina: BULLSHAT!!!

Turlandb: Nope. I'm dead serious.

(Y/N): We're gonna have a tough time.

Laura: We'll take him down. Our power is much stronger than him.

???: Is it?

Two purple lasers come out of nowhere and hit a large building. The building topples over and explodes.

SmeshBras123: JESUS!

Risky Boots: What the hell was that?!

???: That was me.

A massive Enderman with horns on his head appears in front of the heroes.

G.O.L. Crystal: WHOA!!!

Infinite: DAS A HUGE BITCH!!!

Machito: That is MASSIVE!

The other heroes are in complete shock. Turlandb isn't even phased.

Turlandb: Ender Colossus!

Ender Colossus: Long time, no see, Turlandb.

Emily: Stay away from my grandfather!

Ender Colossus: Oh, great. An annoying child. Lemme fix that.

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