Chapter 9: Land of the Undead

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G.O.I. Jen: Great job, Laura!

Laura: Thanks, Mom!

Turlandb: That's one Average Titan down, and five more to go!

Metro pulls an arrow out of his arm.

Metro: Those Skeletons were a little pain in the ass.

Antasma pulls an arrow out of his face.

Antasma: You think?

Infinite: At least Skeleton Titan is out of the way.

SmeshBras123: Indeed. We're well on our way to killing off all the Average Titans!

Antasma: Who's next?

Turlandb: We should go after Zombie Titan next.

Infinite: What can Zombie Titan do?

Turlandb: First thing you should know, is that Zombie Titan has a massive sword as his weapon.

SmeshBras123: Okay.

Turlandb: And now, his abilities.

Infinite: What does he have?

Turlandb: He's got a Sweep Attack, Jump Attack, Ground Punch, Stomp Attack, Zombie Smash, Downward Slash, Lightning Shot, can make the ground explode, and his most devastating, Super Zombu.

SmeshBras123: That's a lot of abilities.

Cristina: Wait... What's Super Zombu?

Turlandb: Its an attack he uses as a last resort. That attack powers him up greatly and lots of lightning will strike.

Antasma: Damn...

Turlandb: Yeah... Be careful, everyone.

(Y/N): Where is he?

Machito: Good question.

A massive green arm suddenly comes out the ground.

SmeshBras123: WHOA!!!


Turlandb: It's Zombie Titan!

Another massive green arm comes out of the ground, holding a giant sword.

Antasma: HOLY SHIT!!!

Turlandb: GET BACK!!!

The heroes sprint backwards, as Zombie Titan's head comes out of the ground.


Zombie Titan pulls himself out of the ground, and stands up.

Zombie Titan: Ahh...

SmeshBras123: DAS A HUGE BITCH!

Cristina: Really, Smesh?

SmeshBras123: Wot?

Turlandb: Zombie Titan!

Zombie Titan: Huh? Oh... It's just you guys.

G.O.L. Crystal throws red lightning at the Titan and shocks him.

Zombie Titan: Agh!

Infinite: Nice one, sweetheart!

G.O.L. Crystal: Thanks, honey!

Zombie Titan: You little shit!

Zombie Titan fires a lightning shot from his sword, and strikes G.O.L. Crystal, sending her flying through a building.

Infinite: CRYSTAL!!!

Zombie Titan: Bitch.

Infinite throws his sword at Zombie Titan, but the Titan simply deflects it away. Infinite's sword reappears in his hand.

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