Chapter Seventeen | Mission; Escape

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Chapter Seventeen | Mission; Escape

Finally, we had reached the point where we found civilization. We all hide behind a big container, all scrunched up in a little tight space.

Steve poked his head out to make sure it was all clear. "Okay, clear, clear come on." Steve moves out and we all filed out, one by one.

"Okay, that was close." Robin pointed out. We had almost been caught by one of the Russians guard, but we didn't, which was the good news.

"Too close." Dustin agreed.

"Relax." I tell them. "All right? Relax. Nobody saw..." We then turned the corner to even more human civilization, there was a first and second level, people walking around everywhere.

The Russian in green uniform all had guns. "Shit." Steve muttered and we all ducked down behind a piece of equipment.

"Red Dawn." Dustin whispers.

"I saw it." Erica whispers. "First floor, northwest."

"Saw what?" I asked the little girl.

"The comms room." She hissed at us.

"You saw the comms room?" Steve repeated.

"Correct," Erica nodded. 

"Are you sure?"

"Positive," Erica confirmed. "The door was opened for a second, and I saw a bunch of lights and machines and shit in there."

"That could be a hundred different things." Dustin reminds us.

Robin turned to Steve. "I'll take those odds."

Steve sighed and we all looked around the equipment to see what was going on. Then, we lean back towards the wall.

"All right." Steve agreed. "We're going to move fast, we're going to stay low. Okay?"

"Okay," Robin agreed for all of us. We all then followed Steve out from hiding behind the equipment then rushed towards some containers. We hid by that.

We waited for people to past, then go to the other containers that we were in front of us. "Sh!" Steve told us and I frowned. No one talking. "Move it."  The door then opens by a guy in a white coat. "Let's go."

We all then rushed towards the blue door before it closed. Steve had manged to keep it open for us and we all piled into the room.

We all then turned around and there sits a guy in a chair. There was a panel full of buttons. Oh, shit.

The guy in the chair turns around. He stands up, confused. Before the guy could pull out his speaker. The guy speaks back but Robin continued to speak Russian once the guy was finished.

She was speaking the code. Steve then yelled out and ran towards the Russian guy, slamming him onto the chair and I jumped back in shock.

Steve was thrown across into the desk and was punched by the Russian guy. Steve got thrown onto the desk and the Russian man grabbed him from behind but Steve made a comeback and slammed his elbow into the Russian guy.

He took a speaker from the panel of buttons and slammed it down onto the guys face, who then bangs his head on the desk and flops to the floor.

Dustin and I slowed clapped for Steve after a minute of silence. "Dude! You did it!" Dustin smiled.

"You won a fight!" I continued on. Steve chuckles softly.

Dustin then walked towards the Russian man and grabbed keycard from the guard. "What are you doing?" Erica demanded.

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