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"You're from Miami." Camila observes as she takes her usual seat next to Lauren in their Friday morning lecture. Lauren looks up in surprise, and before she can question her, Camila adds. "And I'm from Miami."

"Um... yeah. That's all factual?" Lauren frowns, and murmurs a small thank you when Camila passes her a blueberry muffin, "Why are you-"

"Do you have any plans to go back there over Thanksgiving and Christmas?" Camila asks. "I mean, obviously I figure you'll be back there for Christmas break, but a lot of people stay here for Thanksgiving."

"Yeah, I'm flying back there on Saturday the 18th." Lauren answers, and Camila curses under her breath at the answer. "What? Are you staying here?"

"No, no, I'm going home, but I'm flying on the Friday night after my last class." Camila says, biting down on her bottom lip in thought. "I was going to see if you wanted to be plane buddies, but you've already booked. Okay, new plan... can I see you over break?"

Lauren nods. "Of course. Do you want to come over and meet my weird family?"

She almost wonders if it's too soon; Lauren isn't her girlfriend yet, even though Camila intends to ask her. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah! My parents know you exist, I told them about you pretty much as soon as we made friends because I was kind of hyped that I actually managed to make a friend completely by myself." Lauren shrugs, and the admission just makes Camila think she's even cuter. "If you're not sure, though..."

"No, I'm totally down for that," Camila assures her, "and in return, you can meet my weird family. If you want."

"I want," Lauren grins, flicking through her annotated copy of one of the novels they're studying; Camila hadn't bothered buying it, and just downloaded an illegal PDF online, keeping her scant annotations in a Word document. "You have a break after this class, right?"

Camila hums in affirmation. "Why?"

"Want to make it a date and go for lunch?" Lauren asks, and Camila nods pretty much immediately, "Nice. I saw a cute little sandwich shop just down the road from my apartment, but if you don't want to go off campus-"

"That sounds good, Lo," Camila assures her, and under the desk, she squeezes her hand, not sure about physical affection in public. She doesn't know what Lauren is comfortable with; after all, she's not out. "It's a date."

Lauren grins. "Yeah. I love that."

When Lauren looks back to her computer to fill out a question she'd obviously left in the seminar preparation, Camila checks her phone. Her Instagram has a few more followers; ever since Lauren had accidentally posted a picture of the two of them on her public Instagram story on Halloween, some of the fans had tracked down Camila's personal Instagram. It wasn't hard; Lauren follows her, and it's not like Camila's account is private, so people could easily match her and the girl in Lauren's picture. Granted, it's not been that aggressive; nobody has interacted with her except for the few more likes she gets on pictures, and she's only gained a couple of hundred followers, probably because Lauren didn't tag her.

Lauren had told her that a couple of fans had found her private Instagram through Camila's, though. But, since she has the page on private, she simply denies whatever follow requests she gets.

She goes to talk to Lauren again, but the professor starts the lecture, so she pays attention to him. She makes the occasional notes on her laptop, and when the professor goes too fast and changes slides while she's still typing, Lauren – being a faster typist than her – angles her laptop screen towards Camila so she can get the last few notes.

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