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"Cigarette?" The person next to me in line asked.

I glanced at him. He stood there casually leaning against the wall. He held his pack of cigarettes out to me. It was a friendly gesture, but I wasn't here for friends. I shook my head and he shrugged, popping one of the sticks between his lips and lighting it.

Was this man my competition? I guess in a way he was. Someone could chose him over me. I didn't feel threatened though. We were completely different types. He was taller, more muscular. His dark hair was pushed back. He wore clothes that made him look like he was part of a biker's gang. He had this ruggedly handsome look about him that I didn't have.

'Cute', was what they called me. 'Adorable.' It was something I embraced, and something a lot of people in the building before me would be looking for. Hopefully. The thought of not finding a match suitable enough for me had my stomach doing flips. I didn't want another night on my own contemplating my future.

I wished they would hurry up already. It was beginning to get cold out here. It was annoying to say the least that they kept us outside in the dark in an alley while we waited, especially since I was wearing a tank top that left my arms freezing. It could be worse. The others around me were in much, much less. I supposed it was all part of their ploy to catch one of the dominant's attention.

"My name's Jack." The guy from before said.

I gave a nod without responding. He didn't seem like a submissive, at least not like the other men out here. I guess I had seen people at these events that were like him before. This wasn't exactly a new scene for me. It was definitely a new organization. I needed a change from the area I was used to. I was having difficulty finding someone who was right for me. I had hope that this place would have someone new. I had heard good things about it, after all.

The back door creaked open and a man stood there; the same man who took in the guy before me. He motioned for me to come in, and so I did. Nerves filled me as I clutched papers in my hand tightly. I relaxed a little only to not ruin my documents.

It was dark inside, but not as dark as out in the alley. I followed the older man through a dimly lit hall. It was fairly quiet back here but I could hear sounds coming from other rooms. Echoes of moaning, groaning, yelping in pain, chuckles of satisfaction. I wouldn't be part of any of those rooms tonight. Maybe one day, but not tonight.

I was led to a room with a man sitting at a desk. He was maybe twenty or thirty years older than myself. He was wearing a suit and I could almost laugh at this. Here we were in a back room of one of the most prominent underground BDSM clubs in Boston where he was going to make sure I was suitable enough for his dominant members, and he was wearing a suit as if he were about to head out to his nine to five job.

"Take a seat." The man said.

His blonde hair showed wisps of grey in it. My initial reaction was to be uncomfortable of someone much older being in a club like this, but honestly it gave me hope that this would be a part of my life for many years to come. I couldn't imagine myself without it.

I did as I was told and sat down. So far I managed to stay pretty calm but now my heart rate was soaring.

"Your name?" He asked.

"Kellin." I replied.

"Kellin," He said with a small smile, "Tell me your life story. How old are you?"

"Nineteen." I said, frowning as my confidence fell.

In all honesty, I had no idea how old I was. I was usually truthful about that, but if I told this man I didn't know how old I was then he'd kick me to the curb in a matter of seconds. I felt older than eighteen though. I didn't exactly look it half the time though.

The Deal 2: Hell on Earth  [Missing Chapter 13]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang