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Two weeks after the incident and Vic was still looking at me with those apologetic puppy eyes. I was sitting in the treatment room at the doctor's office and Doctor Carlile was taking out my stitches. Vic was standing by the door, not speaking much, still looking ashamed even though I told him every single day he had nothing to feel bad about.

"They've healed just fine," Doctor Carlile said, "But just make sure there's no more...strenuous...activities in the near future."

I glanced at Vic, trying to contain the blush on my cheeks and the smile from appearing. Vic didn't look amused at all.

"Thank you." I said to Doctor Carlile after he was done.

"Not a problem. You're fine to go. Make sure you come back if there are any more issues." The doctor said, but there was a hidden meaning behind his words and I almost wanted to roll my eyes.

It was just like at the hospital. People didn't understand the types of activities people like Vic and I were into so of course they thought he was abusing me and some of the nurses actually wanted to call the cops on him. All I did was tell them truth about what happened, as embarrassing as it was. I had to though. The nurses and doctors were more embarrassed than I ended up being and didn't really ask any more questions.

Vic and I left the doctor's office. He helped me into the car even though I was fine to do it myself. The whip marks didn't even hurt that badly anymore. It was more of a dull pain that only really hurt if I knocked my back against something. Leaning against a car seat or lying in bed was fine though.

"How do they feel?" Vic asked when he got into the driver's side and drove off onto the street.

"They're fine." I said honestly.

He didn't seem too sure though. I felt awful that he was feeling bad about this since what happened was entirely my fault. I kept pushing him.

"You remember what you promised, right?" I asked.

He glanced at me, giving me an unsure look again. No! He could not back out. It's been two weeks of no sex. He wouldn't even let me do anything to him.

"I don't know...maybe you need a few more days to recover." He said.

"I'm healed, Vic. That's what the stitches were for. The doctor wouldn't have taken them out if I wasn't healed. I'm fine. We can get back to normal." I told him, maybe being a little too aggressive.

"You are really bossy for a sub, ya know?" He said kind of bitterly.

"I'm sorry. I just...you've barely looked at me for two weeks." I said.

"Because I put you in hospital." He said, and I could hear just how much he hated himself for it.

"I'm fine." I said for what felt like the millionth time.

"Okay, you're fine. I just wanna wait for a few more days." He said.

"You promised once the stitches were out-"

"Kellin." He snapped.

I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest. I looked out the passenger window, not wanting to continue the conversation any longer.

I stayed silent the whole way home and even up to the apartment. I was looking forward to today because I thought that finally with the stitches Vic would start treating me like his sub again and not a child. This afternoon was supposed to be perfect with just me and him getting back to what we did best.

Jaime was even gone. Where? I had no idea. After what Vic did with the whip he obviously felt really bad about it, so as a small way to make it up to me he made Jaime leave. I didn't exactly argue the decision. I didn't want him there.

The Deal 2: Hell on Earth  [Missing Chapter 13]Where stories live. Discover now