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Kellin was gone and it made me feel like my heart had stopped. My stomach was constantly twisted and my chest hurt so bad that I couldn't breathe. The thing was, I didn't feel sad. All of my energy was focused onto the task at hand; destroying the ones responsible for this.

I stood in Envy's apartment with my eyes closed, focusing on hell, trying to locate exactly where Mike and Lucifer were. How my own brother and father could do this to me, to our entire family, was beyond me. We were demons, yes. We were supposed to be evil, yes, but not to each other.

I found them. Mike, Lucifer and Tony were all there in one of the castle halls. From what I could tell they were in a heated discussion and I could feel that it was about me. They knew the curse was broken. They discussion was quickly turning into an argument. They were distracted so it was the perfect time to strike.

I was going to kill them all.

I teleported back to hell, back to the very hall they were in. I appeared behind Tony. I caught them all by surprise and grabbed Tony, tightly locking my arm around his neck and holding him against me. The two of them, Mike and Lucifer, watched me with wide eyes.

"Wait!" Mike cried out desperately.

"Stay where you are. A millisecond is all it takes to banish him forever. Move an inch and he's gone." I told them.

Both of them stayed completely still; Mike because he didn't want to lose the one he loved, and Lucifer because he knew without the power of Mike and Tony's combined love that he wouldn't be as strong anymore. There'd be no one to protect him and that was exactly what I wanted.

"Don't make any rash decisions. You kill him and then we'll kill you." My father said as a deep growl left his throat.

I scoffed, wanting to laugh at his statement, "Do you really think I care if you kill me at this point? You took away the only thing I ever loved!"

I looked at Mike, glaring at him. I was more mad at him than anyone else.

"You did it!" I spat, "I saw you do it. It wasn't enough that you helped exile us from hell and stole our memories, but you had to go and kill him too?! How do you think it feels, huh? Do you wanna found out?"

"Brother..." Mike said cautiously, holding his hands up in forfeit.

"Don't give me that brother bullshit." I snarled.

Tony struggled in my grasp but he was merely a soul. They should have turned him into a demon when they had the chance. Now he was vulnerable.

"Vic...please, we can work this out." Mike pleaded.

"What's there to work out?! You took everything from me!" I roared.

"We can get Kellin back!" Mike bargained. The mention of his name and even the tiny sliver of hope that I could get him back had me listening.

"How?!" I asked, "Where is he?!"

Mike looked at our father. Neither of them had any idea where he was. He was lying to me which just enraged me more.

"Victor," My father addressed me, "Hell can go back to the way it was, the way it originally was before you and Satan took over, with me in charge and the soul system back to the way it was always supposed to be."

"Hell isn't supposed to have a system. It isn't supposed to have rules. We're demons! We don't follow the rules!" I shouted.

"Hell was supreme when I ruled! When I said what was allowed and what wasn't allowed!" He bellowed.

The Deal 2: Hell on Earth  [Missing Chapter 13]Where stories live. Discover now