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Don't get me wrong, I was definitely into the more, say, affectionate, moments that Vic had to offer lately. The thing was, I craved rough. I craved a certain type of abuse. The other night at the super market he made me feel humiliated, but I liked that. I, although I complained a lot, actually wanted that. I wanted him to punish me more, and I mean really punish me.

An entire day at home alone gave me a lot of time to contemplate what I wanted. After trying, and failing miserably, to push away the butterflies in my stomach because of what happened when we got home last night, I set my sights on what I could do to get us back on track.

I wanted to be fucked, and I wanted to be fucked hard. I needed it. As fun as last night was, I needed to be used and Vic had to be snapped out of this new, I guess, "fun" mood he had been in lately. I needed dominant Vic, and that was why I found myself peering out onto the street from Vic's apartment, waiting for him to get home so I could carry out the little plan I formulated.

I swear, sometimes I had a death wish. I was planning on going against one of his rules. He was extremely serious about the no touching myself while he's out rule. I was curious as to what punishment he would have in store for me if I were to break it.

I waited and I waited. Each minute bought on an extra wave of nerves which turned into excitement. Finally I saw his car pull up on the side of the road. I smiled and jumped out of view. I went out to the living room and sat on the couch.

I began touching myself. I had been working myself up all afternoon, enough to already be hard, but not enough to actually orgasm. I was saving that for Vic. Each second that went by, the more nervous I became. I sped my hand up when I finally heard him walking down the hall outside. Next came the jingle of his keys, and then the door opened.

"Vic!" I exclaimed in fake horror as he stepped inside, "Oh my God!"

He stopped, his eyes falling on me. His mouth was slightly agape in surprise. I stopped what I was doing and shuffled back into the corner of the couch.

"Uh...what do you think you're doing?" He asked in amusement. No, I didn't want amusement. I wanted anger.

"I...um...nothing. Nothing at all." I said.

I grabbed one of the couch pillows and put it over my lap. The amusement left his eyes as he cocked his head to the side and watched me in curiosity. He pushed the door shut, dropped his things on the kitchen counter and came towards me.

"Nothing?" He asked.

"Mhm." I nodded.

"Nothing at all?" He asked as he knelt next to me on the couch.

"Y-yep," I stuttered, actually intimidated now, "That's what I said."

He snatched the pillow from me and tossed it aside. He looked down and it was obvious that this wasn't 'nothing'.

"This doesn't look like nothing." He snarled.

His eyes darkened and the amusement was 100% gone. Just like that he switched to his role of a dom. He put his hand on my chest and pushed me back. He slid his hand to my throat but didn't tighten his fingers around it. He stared at me intently.

"Did you forget my rules?" He asked.

I bit my bottom lip and shook my head, giving him the most innocent eyes I could muster up.

"So you deliberately disobeyed me?" He asked.

I nodded. He moved closer and my breathing hitched. He did unimaginable things to my body sometimes.

The Deal 2: Hell on Earth  [Missing Chapter 13]Where stories live. Discover now