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"Hey, hey, hey, wait!" Vic called after me.

He grabbed my wrist just as I got to the car. I ignored him as I tried opening the door but it was locked.

"What's going on?" He asked me.

I gave up on the door and leant against it. I was losing all grip on reality. I was thrown right back into the past and nothing else mattered except for that.

"I can't breathe." I said.

"Woah, okay," He said, standing in front of me, "Just...you know..."

He was at a loss for words, but I didn't care. I wasn't focused on him. I clawed at my neck. I could feel it tightening.

"You had the collar on too right, okay. It's still too tight." I said, scratching at my neck. I just needed it to stop.

Vic took my shaking hands in his and looked me in the eyes.

"There is nothing around your neck." He said slowly and concisely. Maybe not, but it felt like it.

"What did I just miss?" He asked.

"Nothing. I wanna go home." I said.

"Okay, then we'll go home." He said.

He let go of my hands and dug around in his pocket for the car keys. He was taking much too long. I just wanted to leave right now and get as far away as possible.

"Kellin." A rough, grizzly voice that I hadn't heard for months now spoke to me.

I looked up and standing there was Dennis. Now clothed and without a sub he still looked more intimidating than ever.

"Leave me alone." I said meekly.

"It's been a while." He said, ignoring my plea.

"Vic, I wanna go." I said to Vic quickly. I pulled on his arm, urging him to hurry. He didn't budge though.

"What's going on here?" Vic asked.

Dennis took a step closer and I instinctively took one back while Vic stood in front of me, between the two of us.

"Who are you?" Vic asked bitterly.

"Who am I? Who are you, midget?" Dennis countered. Oh God, I didn't need this right now.

"Vic, let's go. Please, let's go." I begged him.

I tugged on the back of his shirt just needing him to do what I said for once, but he didn't. He stayed there, the two men staring each other down.

"Vic..." I whined.

He glanced back at me then gave a little nod. He unlocked the door. Thank God.

"I'll see you around, Kellin." Dennis spoke.

I ignored him and got in the car. Vic went to the driver's side and got in too. He started up the car and off we went. The second we were driving away it was like a weight was lifted from my chest.

"Okay, who was that and what the hell just happened?" Vic asked.

"Not right now, please." I asked.

The request made Vic look pissed off. Of course he was frustrated. He had no idea what was going on and he hated when people said no to him. I needed a moment to recollect my thoughts though and thankfully Vic didn't push the topic any further, for now at least.

We drove home without speaking. I felt sick. I had tried so hard to forget Dennis, then he was just there and it made everything come back. I felt like I probably over-reacted a bit but seeing him made me panic.

The Deal 2: Hell on Earth  [Missing Chapter 13]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora