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"What do you want with me?" I asked God.

"I want you to help me." She replied. The way she spoke was so smooth and calm, like none of this was a big deal, but to me it was and I was getting impatient with her not getting to the point.

"With what?" I asked.

"Capturing Lucifer...or more specifically, killing him." She said.

"You want to kill Lucifer too?" I asked.

She simply nodded.

"And the rest of hell?" I asked.

"The rest of hell, what Satan and Vic made hell, is not a concern of mine. However, the chaos that Lucifer has caused is." She explained.

"Why do you care about what he does a bunch of demons?" I asked.

"It is not just the demons he is tormenting. It is the souls too. I am here to maintain the balance on Earth, but I am also here to maintain the balance in the other worlds too. I need to stop Lucifer for the damages he has caused in hell, before he moves on to other places, like Earth. He has already begun with sending you and the others back. I cannot let him do any worse damage. He is my responsibility." She said. That last sentence provoked the first bit of emotion I got from her; sadness.

"Your responsibility?" I asked.

"I am God, Kellin. I created everything and everyone. Lucifer was one of my sons, an angel." She said.

"Right..." This was getting all so crazy. Lucifer? An angel? The thought was so absurd to me. Clearly somewhere down the line he turned into the demon he is now.

"He cast himself from heaven, that wasn't my doing. He left behind his powers as an angel and turned into a creature I could barely recognize. He wanted to make his own world and run it his own way. For billions of years I've wanted to stop him, but never could." She told me.

"Why not? You're God. Aren't you supposed to be able to do whatever you want?" I asked.

"If it were that simple then do you not think I would have solved this problem already?" She asked, slightly cocking her head to the side.

"Right...right..." I muttered.

"I am technically an Angel, and no Angel can go to hell. The pure evil will kill us instantly. In turn, no full demon can come to heaven. It will kill them too." She explained.

"Does that mean I'm not a demon anymore?" I asked in a panic.

"No, that's not what it means. It means you're not a full demon." She said, and I waited a moment for her to explain herself, but she didn't.

"What am I then?" I asked.

"You can feel yourself becoming weaker here, can't you?" She asked.

There were a lot of different feelings going through me all at once. There was a lot of anxiety and worry for Vic, there was confusion about what God wanted me here for. I was panicked because I didn't know if I'd ever get out of here and go home. Physically though, she was right. I didn't feel my best, but then again I did just die.

"You're half demon and half angel. The demon part in you right now is failing, only being kept alive by the angel part I put inside you when you died." She said.

This was a lot to process. Half angel and half demon? Just moments ago I completely believed I was just a human. This was mind-boggling.

"Okay so..." I trailed off at a loss for words.

The Deal 2: Hell on Earth  [Missing Chapter 13]Where stories live. Discover now