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I spent most of the afternoon cleaning Vic's apartment in the hopes that he would notice and decide to be kind to me when he got home from work. Sure, I wanted punishment. That was my main goal, but yesterday Vic went straight off to his bedroom after the stunt I pulled, plus I hadn't spoken to him today because of work. I was beginning to think I might have gone a little too far.

When he finally came home after work I turned the vacuum cleaner off and froze in my place, not because he was there, but because he was talking on the phone and he sounded pissed.

"Nobody told me there was a meeting I was supposed to stay for," He said, "And no I'm not coming in early to make up for something I didn't even know was happening."

I watched him curiously. He was definitely angry. So much for my little idea of cleaning the place to make him happy. That just flew right out the window.

"I don't give a shit. You can tell Smalls to shove his meeting up his ass." He paused, waiting for the person on the other end to speak. I wondered if I should disappear before he takes his anger out on me. I decided to stay.

"He can't fire me. I'm the best he's got," Vic snapped, "This is bullshit."

That was the end of the conversation. Vic hung up before slamming his phone down on the kitchen counter and making me jump. He sighed in frustration and looked up at me. I was still frozen. I didn't do well around anger. At least not real anger. Dom anger, in a good way, was okay. But real, raw anger terrified me.

His eyes darkened as he looked me up and down. I wasn't naked. I was in my boxers and that was only because it was more comfortable while cleaning. He didn't look happy about it. In determination he stormed over to me. I took a few steps back but he was quicker.

"Time for your punishment." He said through gritted teeth.

He grabbed me by the hair, making me wince in pain. He dragged me into my room and pushed me to the floor. I fell, landing on my hands and knees. I quickly turned to look up at him just as he was slamming the door shut. This wasn't just because of what I did yesterday. He was all worked up again, but this time it wasn't my fault.

"Bad day at work?" I asked.

"Do not give me any attitude. Do you understand? One ounce of attitude and you're gone." He said.

Gone? It was clear what he meant, and he was being serious. Would he really kick me out? Did I really push him so far yesterday that he wanted me gone?

"Do you understand?!" He shouted.

I backed away but nodded quickly. I wasn't sure how I felt about this. On the one hand there was this uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach, almost like I was afraid. It was like I had a vice clamped around my heart and I could barely breathe. On the other hand I was more than excited because I was getting what I wanted yesterday.

He came over to me and once again tangled his fingers in my hair. I whimpered as he pulled me up from the floor and tossed me on the bed. His fingers were still in my hair as he yanked my head back. He looked at me wickedly. His eyes scanned my body.

"I thought I told you I wanted you naked all the time. Do you ever fucking listen?" He spat.

"S-sorry." I involuntarily stuttered as he tugged harder on my hair.

"Don't talk." He ordered.

He let go of my hair then forcibly took my boxers off. He threw them on the floor. He moved away from me, giving me a moment to breathe properly again. He went over to the drawers and pulled one open so hard it almost broke. I had no idea he had this sort of temper in him.

The Deal 2: Hell on Earth  [Missing Chapter 13]Where stories live. Discover now