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I stood in the kitchen, mindlessly tapping my fingers along the edge of the metal sink. I had no idea what to do now. It was a little bit past five and I was so nervous that I couldn't sit still. Vic should be home soon. He did tell me five. Any moment now.

Just as those thoughts entered my mind for the hundredth time in the last ten minutes, the door opened. I stood up straight and turned to him, as if I were in boot camp and my trainer was about to shout some order at me.

Vic stood in the door way, taking note of me standing there like a deer caught in headlights. God, I was anxious. What if he decided over the course of the day that he didn't want me anymore? He was looking me up and down as he pushed the door shut and locked it.

"You're still here." He commented. Was I not supposed to be?

"U-Um...yes." I stuttered. What the hell was wrong with me? Yes, as a sub I tone down my personality and act shy, but that's just it, it's mostly an act for the bedroom because I like it when my dom sees me that way. But right now I was genuinely, one hundred per cent, a mess of nerves.

"Interesting." He spoke without much of an expression.

He tossed his wallet and keys on the kitchen counter-top. He came right up to me and without hesitating pushed me against the counter with his hands on either side of my hips and his body close to mine. A small smile played on his lips.

"I could get used to a cute boy waiting for me at home every afternoon." He said.

I didn't know what to say. The way he was looking at me was so intimidating that I figured it was best to remain silent. I gasped as he groped the back of my thighs before effortlessly lifting me onto the counter. I instinctively scrunched my hand around the fabric of his shirt by his chest for support, but I didn't need to. He had full control over where my body was going. He pulled me close, meshing our bodies together so my thighs were around his hips.

I almost forgot to breathe. The few simple movements made my entire body heat up. I was not expecting this so quickly.

"I thought we were going to talk." I said.

I looked down, away from him. It was the only way to calm me down right now. He wasn't having any of that though. He dipped his head down, tilted to the side so he was eye level with me. Slowly, with my gaze locked on his, I lifted my head back up as he did. I was mesmerized by his silent ability to make me do that.

I knew what he was doing. He was getting too close to me to inhibit my thoughts. It was his way of convincing me to stay, but I didn't need any convincing. I made my mind up last night.

"Well?" I asked after he didn't say anything.

"Well...I read your list of things you want and don't want...so I think I've got a good perception of you." He said.

"I'm a pretty straight forward person." I spoke quietly.

"Somehow I doubt that." He said.

He waited for me to make a response, but when I didn't, he went on.

"So...am I correct in thinking you want someone to take full control of your life?" He asked.

"Yes." I said with a nod.

"Every aspect?" He asked.



I shrugged, not sure of how to word this. He ran his hand leisurely along my thigh, getting close to slipping beneath the satin boxers. He didn't do that though. He was teasing me. He really wasn't helping me think, but I still tried my best.

The Deal 2: Hell on Earth  [Missing Chapter 13]Where stories live. Discover now