U.O.E Part 1

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Katsuki Bakugou had been one of the last to leave the classroom that day. It was him and izuku midoriya. Deku was writing in his hero book, when bakugou stood next to his desk and looked at his notebook.

"Do you write this so you can be a good hero? So you know everyone's weakness! Well guess what. You can't be a hero. So If you want a quirk, jump off the roof and hope you get one in your next life!"

The blonde haired boy's menacing laughter filled the empty classroom. The eyes of the bullied one looked at his past friend once more before standing up and making his chair scrap on the floor. The bully scoffed and turned to leave.

"Okay kacchan. Your right. I hope you get into U.A...and I also hope your better off without me. See ya kacchan."

Deku yearned for bakugou to look at him. He wanted his friend to know he is pain, before leaving.

Deku opened the window to the classroom and stepped on his desk to get to the threshold of the window. Kacchan went wide eyes as he realized what the green haired boy was doing. He stopped in his tracks and turned around. His face holding a paralyzed look. Deku was already in the window. He turned his face to bakugou slightly, seeing tears drip down the boys face, hurt bakugou.

"Deku... what the fuck are you doing?"

But as soon as he pushes his body out of the window, he feels arms wrap around his waist and pull him back inside.

"Stupid deku!!! Don't do that!!"

Bakugo held deku in his arms on the floor. Deku looked at bakugou in confusion.

"You told me..."

the fierce boy was now crying. He rested his head on dekus chest.


As soon as bakugou stopped yelling, deku looked down and waited for bakugou to hurt him.

"Tch. Your an idiot. Shitty nerd. If I tell you to jump off a bridge, would you do it?"

Deku looked at bakugou.

"Don't answer that. Look,-"

he sits down next to the greenette and sighs.

"-I think your useless. And stupid. And annoying. So fucking annoying and I don't understand how you fucking smile so much like this world is fucking evil I don't understand. But deku....I would break if you fucking died..."

the blondes red eyes look at deku sideways.

"Say something idiot."

He demands.

"W-what if...I want to die for more reasons kacchan ...what if I just want to die ...why can't I be happy. Please..... I want to die."

He starts to cry and frantically wipe his tears. Bakugou stares in shock. The happy, vibrant boy he once knew..... broke. And bakugou hated it. He wanted the person back that made him secretly blush at his innocence. Or hold back laughter at his lame jokes. He wanted him back so badly.


He blurted.

"You won't die. I will stand by your side every moment if that's what it takes for you not to die. And I will make sure that you are happy. Because your deku. Your smile is what makes this place brighter."

Deku started to laugh. Bakugo gave him a 'what the fuck' look and shoved midoriya.

"Sorry i-its just you were so sappy"

he laughed again. Bakugou ruffled the boys hair and stood up.

"Come on nerd."

He made a gesture to follow, and deku followed.

"Where are we going kacchan?"

When bakugou didn't answer, deku walked up to his side and walked backwards in order to smile at the blonde and walk at the same time. Bakugou looked to the side and blushed a little at the boys cuteness.

"Hm? Kacchan are you getting sick? Your face looks h-"

before the boy could finish his statement, kacchan slammed his fist on the wall and looked down at the green haired boy shoes along with his. Deku flinched at the sudden gesture.

"Y...you still care about me? After I told you to go die? What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Deku fiddles with his fingers unable to answer.

"I-im sorry kaccha-"


The red eyes meet the green eyes.

"You don't need to apologize. Just. Be. Happy."

He hugs the smaller boy and slides them both to the ground.


a tear fell from dekus cheek.

"Just...sit here with me..for a while."

They sat there in there own world. Bakugou glared at anyone who dare judge them. And deku hid his face so no one recognized them. But he was the only student there with poofy green hair.

Everyone was questioning what was happening with these two, who used to hate each other. Just what was blooming? Was this the beginning of a traumatic and heartbreaking story?



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